He Made Them Male and Female
The problem that continues to raise its pesky head is the problem of essential attributes.
So we take the general observation that men are stronger than women and then we make it an essential attribute of maleness. In other words, when men are physically weak, they are no longer men. Do you see the problem? If these assertions are correct, what are we to make of a man who become... Continue Reading
The Enigma of Job
Job's central theme is the greatest enigma of all: theodicy – how do we relate a good and sovereign God to the reality of evil and suffering in his world?
Perhaps the biggest thing that arises out of the sheer size of this book is that even as God’s people we must learn to live with the unanswered questions thrown up by evil and suffering in our own experience. Indeed we need to realise that they are the kind of questions that may never be... Continue Reading
Don’t Waste Your Basal Ganglia
Please do not waste your basal ganglia. Let me explain why.
How do we know if we are wasting our basal ganglia? Would it not be just coasting through life? Turning off our brain and choosing to live with unredeemed habits that conform to the world and not been re-formed by the Spirit of God? Is it not compartmentalizing life so that the authoritative Word of... Continue Reading
May We Pray To All Three Members Of The Holy Trinity?
Christian prayer is nothing but a Trinitarian enterprise.
God knows from all eternity what we need and what we shall pray and yet it is God the Spirit, eternally proceeding from the the Father and the Son who works in us, who energizes us to pray in the name of Jesus, the eternally begotten Son incarnate, to the eternally unbegotten Father, who loves... Continue Reading
Getting Up Close with God’s Word
May we always yearn and seek to know the breadth, length, height, and depth of our Savior God
As crazy as that all sounds, we often respond that way to knowing God and his word. We step back and take in the big picture and think we know all there is to know. We are satisfied with merely a taste of who God is and then we think that’s all we need. We... Continue Reading
Learning Repentance from the Psalmist
One of the ways our emotions tell us something is wrong is in the case of our sin
“When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, we feel the weight of it. It makes us grieve and feel sorrow. We feel anger toward ourselves for what we’ve done. We feel a nagging disquiet in our souls that won’t let go.” I broke my arm two years ago. It was the first broken... Continue Reading
Can Salvation Be Lost Because of Sin?
My confidence rests in the intercession of Christ and God’s ability and promise to hold on to me
“I’m persuaded from a study of Scripture that we can have an assurance of our salvation not only for today but for all time. But the assurance that we have, or confidence in our future estate in salvation, must be based upon the right foundations.” The question of losing one’s salvation is one that... Continue Reading
What Causes Us To Worry?
Some have thought that worry is purely a physiological issue while others have concluded that it is purely spiritual.
The historic Christian categories of World, Flesh and Devil are entirely capable of providing a robust understanding of people and their problems, allowing us to avoid simplistic reductionism on either end of the spectrum. We don’t have to engage in either/or thinking and conclude that anxiety is either purely physiological or only spiritual. This means... Continue Reading
13 Reasons You Are Precious to God
Praise God today that he has made you precious and delightful to himself.
We who believe in Jesus can often be more aware of our sin and unworthiness than God’s love for and delight in us. We may believe that God accepts us in his son, but it’s hard to believe he takes pleasure in us and views us as precious to him. Yet 1 Peter 5:7 tells... Continue Reading
Learning Repentance from the Psalmist
When we feel the pain of conviction, a crushing weight that feels like broken bones, we can run to our Father and cry out to him in repentance.
One of the ways our emotions tell us something is wrong is in the case of our sin. When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, we feel the weight of it. It makes us grieve and feel sorrow. We feel anger toward ourselves for what we’ve done. We feel a nagging disquiet in our... Continue Reading