10 Things You Should Know about Christian Meditation
I want to reclaim the word "meditation" as one of the essential spiritual disciplines for all believers.
Meditation is being attentive to God. It is one way we “keep seeking the things above where Christ is” (Col. 3:1). It is a conscious, continuous engagement of the mind with God. This renewing of the mind (Rom. 12:1-2) is part of the process by which the word of God penetrates the soul and spirit... Continue Reading
Learning to Be Rich
God wants us to know there are particular challenges that come with being poor and particular temptations and responsibilities that come with being rich.
There are few of us who do not have more than enough, few of us who are utterly destitute, and especially when compared to brothers and sisters in so many other nations. Even the poorest of us in the Western world have access to rights and perks others can only dream of. The temptation to... Continue Reading
Piper: Salvation By Faith Alone and Just a Little Bit More?
Piper: "There are other conditions for attaining heaven."
“”We are justified by faith alone, but not by faith that is alone.’ Faith that is alone is not faith in union with Christ. Union with Christ makes his perfection and power ours through faith. And in union with Christ, faith is living and active with Christ’s power. Such faith always ‘works by love’ and... Continue Reading
The Language of Tears
The tears of God’s people speak with an eloquence and a clarity that he hears.
Here is the God we can come to, tears and all—a soggy mess of emotion and pain—and he won’t push us away. Do you need reminding of that? And his fluency in the language of tears is not textbook learning; it comes from experience. For in a richer way than even David knew when penned... Continue Reading
6 Tips for Reading the Bible with Your Kids
Why don’t we read the Bible one-on-one with our children? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to give our children that best of memories?
Like everything else in life, reading the Bible with our kids is much more likely to happen if it becomes part of our routine. It takes about 6–8 weeks to build a habit by doing something at the same time in the same place with the same person. There will be ups and downs in... Continue Reading
Romans 13 Is God’s Word And “Abolish The Police” Is Not
More recently, overt resistance to Romans 13 seems to be coming from what has come to be called the “social justice movement” among left-leaning evangelicals
In such a case, the Christians were prepared to suffer the consequence of their peaceful civil disobedience whether it be prison (as happened) or martyrdom. One certainly did not find the Christians plotting the violent overthrow of the Romans as one found the non-Christian Jews at various times in 1st and 2nd centuries. One certainly... Continue Reading
The Inscrutable God
How does God address the charge of His people that He was ignorant and apathetic to their need?
The approach taken is reminiscent of that taken in the book of Job. Job wanted to question God. He wanted an explanation for his affliction. But he is never given an answer. He is presented not with a why but with a Who. When presented with the grandeur of God’s glory, his response was that... Continue Reading
The Duty of Moderation
Inhabiting the middle ground between the vices of excess and austerity is the virtue of moderation
“Moderation is a necessary response, an appropriate duty that lives in the space between those opposite extremes. Moderation eschews the antitheses of too little and too much, of austerity and excess, to find contentment within appropriate limits. Moderation is the duty of every Christian.” This is an age of consumption, an age of abundance,... Continue Reading
Joseph and the Transgender Dreamcoat?
I hadn’t yet heard of a transgender character in the Bible. Have you?
As to the blogger’s assertion Joseph was possibly transgender, the argument is deeply problematic. For starters, the author offers no evidence to support the odd claim that the translation of “coat of many colors” is questionable. LGBTQ activists within the Church have long produced stories deliberately twisting the sexual orientation of biblical characters to... Continue Reading
Is Belief in the Bible Circular Reasoning?
The Christian begins with a belief that God exists and that he has revealed himself
“Christian, take heart the next time you reference the Bible for reasons of why you believe it to be true. Though you may end up saying much more about why you believe the Bible, you certainly need not say anything less.” The Bible is true! Why do you believe that? Because the Bible tells... Continue Reading