How to Make Reformed Women Cry
The imputed righteousness of Christ was the only thing that gave them solace and peace in their Christian walk.
Pastorally speaking, the problem with a future justification is much more serious than a theoretical discussion of theology. These are not peripheral issues. It cuts really deep. It goes down to the marrow of the bone. I don’t know if some people realize this or not. Maybe the emotionalism of two women should have no... Continue Reading
The Federal Vision and Unconditional Election
Federal Vision teaches the conditional election of all those who are baptized. a view in dynamic conflict with the scriptural doctrine of unconditional election by God’s grace alone.
While it seems unimaginable to some to accuse the Federal Visionists of an Arminian or Pelagian doctrine of election, it is impossible to find their views in either the Scripture or the Christian confessions. They hold to covenant election that is conditional in contradiction to the Scripture and the great Reformed creeds. They make election... Continue Reading
Racial Reconciliation: Political Or Theological?
Racial reconciliation cannot be legislated by laws, promoted by protests, or enacted by elections.
We should hate injustice, love good, and establish justice. Like William Wilberforce and Francis J. Grimké, we must do whatever is in our capacity to establish justice. However, we must not lose sight of the gospel. Real racial reconciliation isn’t political, it’s theological. We evangelicals are already reconciled to each other in Christ. We just... Continue Reading
Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide
Reformers longed to see men and women freed from sin and freed by and for Jesus Christ through the gospel of grace.
In summary, the Reformers rejected not only the view that authority in matters of faith and practice lies ultimately in the church but also the view that such authority lies ultimately in the individual. This authority, rather, is the Scripture alone. In rejecting the teaching that people are justified, even in part, on the basis... Continue Reading
Westminster & Ordination: The Vows
Denominations with confessional standards require their elders to know the confession and catechisms, to affirm them, and to uphold them.
Some, especially those in non-confessional denominations, believe that having confessional standards for ordination that elders are required to know, affirm, and uphold is unnecessarily strict. Some have called the standards a “straitjacket.” On the contrary, the structure and protection the standards provide should be a great comfort both for elders and for members of the... Continue Reading
95 Lessons from Martin Luther
An amazing collection of articles, books, videos, and stories from the Life of Martin Luther, gathered from the archives of The Aquila Report, and recently rediscovered via the Internet.
The New York Times said: ‘Long before Twitter, Martin Luther was a media pioneer. The 500th anniversary of Luther’s 95 theses is being celebrated at institutions across the country [and around the world today], showing how deftly he used the media of his day.’ The Aquila Report joins the 500th anniversary celebration with a curated list of 95... Continue Reading
James, Justification and the Human Court
As we navigate through the pages of Scripture, we must be ever careful in our efforts to come to an understanding about the "less clear" portions of Scripture.
The word ‘justify’ (δικαιω) and it’s various forms is used several different ways in Scripture. Context always determines how it is used. It is true that the majority of Pauline uses of ‘justify’ have to do with the legal (forensic) standing that men have before God. Jesus, however, uses the word in Luke 7:35 to denote evidence, when he said... Continue Reading
When Zombies Roamed the Streets of Jerusalem
Those who are connected to Jesus find glorious, joyous, rock splitting, curtain-cleaving life for ever.
Since the fall, the world has been locked into the “life-death cycle”. But as the Son of God rises, death starts to work backwards. Life flows generously and abundantly from and through Jesus into the bodies of those who knew him (the “saints”). Suddenly the life-death cycle becomes the life-death-life cycle. It is a powerful... Continue Reading
The Troublesome Doctrine of Biblical Authority
The authority of Scriptures represented a radical change in direction for the community of faith, and the church has not been the same since.
The profound insight that Luther and the Reformers stumbled upon was the basic need to remove the wall of separation between the Word of God and the individual soul, to put the Scriptures’ clarity on display for all to see, through translation, yes, but also through preaching that explained the Biblical text on its own... Continue Reading
Watch Me Call Pastor N. T. Grayshon to Repentance
Are you not abandoning the protestant doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture?
No, not at all. The Reformation doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture was directed against the Roman Catholic claim of additional special revelation (see here), not against the existence of helpful and even necessary truth that God has made available outside of the Bible. Yesterday we met a pastor who claimed that he needed more than... Continue Reading