Why Christians Should Not Get Angry with the Lost
When we grasp the extent of the human problem, we will exercise this ministry with compassion
“Blaring the horns of condemnation may give vent to Christian frustrations, but it does nothing to solve the human problem. People who are blind, bound, and dead need a Savior who is able to open their eyes to the truth, set them free from the powers that bind them, and raise them up in the... Continue Reading
The Necessity of Effectively Communicating to Children
It is vitally important to ask children what they have understood us to say.
As Christians, we are called to teach our children. But how often do we simply take for granted that they have comprehended the meaning of our words? And do we consider the damage that can be done if they misinterpret us without our realizing it? Like many, I have watched my fair share of... Continue Reading
John The Baptizer: “Produce Fruit Worthy Of Repentance”
"Men are commanded to repent, that they may receive the reconciliation which is offered to them."
Calvin rightly reminded us not to confuse the order of teaching (e.g., “repent and believe”) with the order of salvation (ordo salutis). Believers repent but our repentance is not the ground of our salvation. The whole gospel includes the proclamation of the good news of the unconditional forgiveness of sins and the call to repentance. Our repentance,... Continue Reading
Dear Christian, Don’t Be a Superstitious Saint
We can all lean toward spiritualizing objects, behaviors, and beliefs without a concern for the person and will of God.
I remember the talisman-like power I placed on the amount of time I spent reading the Scriptures in college. If I missed a morning session of Bible reading, I felt like anything bad that happened that day was caused by missing my ritual. I was less concerned with the sincerity and reverence of my behavior... Continue Reading
Did God’s Essence Become Incarnate?
One of the most difficult questions in Trinitarian theology is how the essence/person distinction relates to the Incarnation.
The other problem we will have to avoid is in saying that the essence of God underwent any change whatsoever in the Incarnation. Here the Chalcedonian formulations help us out. The two natures of Christ remain distinct, even though inseparable. Therefore, the divine nature of Christ did not change at all when the Son added... Continue Reading
If the Lord Marks Iniquity, Who Should Stand?
With the righteousness of Christ promised to us by faith, we have the hope of our salvation.
If God requires perfect righteousness and perfect holiness to survive His perfect judgment, then we are left with a serious problem. Either we rest our hope in our own righteousness, which is altogether inadequate, or we flee to another’s righteousness, an alien righteousness, a righteousness not our own inherently. The only place such perfect righteousness... Continue Reading
The Double Groan of the Gospel
It would not be overstating the case to recognize that every Christian personally, and Gospel workers in particular, have the greatest share or portion not in this life but the next
We still live in the body, with all its fickleness and frailty. With the spirit yearning intensely, and our slow progress in sanctification, we sigh and long for higher, holier, climes, immune from the stresses and strains, attacks and anguish, problems and pains, pollution and persecutions of this life – we weep and long for... Continue Reading
The Greatness of Giving Thanks
Despite his many earthly reasons to complain, Paul was constantly giving thanks to God
Paul did not have an easy life. He was beaten, slandered, misunderstood, imprisoned, shipwrecked, stoned, and opposed by someone almost everywhere he went. Nevertheless, he was profoundly grateful. Being grateful has little to do with your circumstances. Sure, it’s easier to be happy when everything is coming up roses, but we’ve all known people who... Continue Reading
Dear Mormon—I Can’t Call You a Brother in Christ
How can we determine if Mormonism is Christian or cult?
Mormons are not Christians based on several key teachings. Some of those troubling teachings include the spirit brotherhood of Satan and Jesus, the baptism for the dead, a racial problem, a polytheistic view of many gods, and a clear denial of the Trinity. These teachings stand in clear contradiction to the teachings of God’s Word—and... Continue Reading
The Forgiveness of Sins
Forgiveness is the reason I can get out of bed in the morning
I no longer lose sleep wondering if my faith is strong enough to merit salvation, as I sometimes did when I was young. Salvation is not simply about having sins forgiven, though it is certainly about that. We are justified by Christ’s perfect obedience. I have a greater and better assurance now that rests upon... Continue Reading