Thankful for Stumbling
Do you find yourself still dancing to the world’s tunes? Be careful, you might stumble over Jesus one too many times, and never dance again.
This passage caused a blessed stumbling in me this morning. I worry too much for those who aren’t taking Jesus seriously. Yeah, I worry for some of those to whom I am witnessing. But the ones I fret over are those who’ve professed “Amen, Jesus my Lord,” and yet often do not even struggle with... Continue Reading
Handling the Hard Passages, Part 1
We need to invest time and effort into grappling with these passages
First, we need to have the right goal in dealing with these “hard” passages. We do not want to merely show that a doctrine is not that bad. We can’t have an attitude like, “eat your vegetables because they’re healthy for you even though they’re disgusting.” We don’t want to say, “Well, this doctrine is... Continue Reading
Instilling Gratitude in Your Family
Discontent and entitlement are strong pressures, but there are still ways to cultivate gratitude in your home.
Discontentment is easily triggered in us because we have an underlying sense of entitlement. We believe that we are inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. I deserve that new electronic device, or that vacation, or peace and quiet when I come home after working all day. Entitlement justifies whatever self-focused response pours out of... Continue Reading
Studying the Confession: The Doctrine of Decree
The Westminster Confession of Faith serves to give substance to one’s profession of trust in the Bible as God’s Word.
If there is one doctrine for which Calvinism or Reformed theology is best known, it is election or predestination. That is what this chapter of the WCF is all about. It is included in the confession because, quite frankly, God has included teaching about the eternal decree in his Word. One of the landmark... Continue Reading
We Are All Eleventh-Hour Laborers
We are all eleventh-hour laborers; we need to learn to be thankful for all God gives to us and not begrudge blessings He gives to others.
The parable of the laborers in the vineyard, however, teaches us that not only our salvation, but also our entire Christian lives are to be lived on the basis of God’s grace. Then the parable also teaches us about two amazing qualities of grace: the abundant generosity of His grace, and His sovereignty in dispensing it.... Continue Reading
The Resurrection, Piety, and Pietism
The life of communion leads to a rich personal and corporate piety and devotion but it begins with the objective truths of the faith
I am advocating a return to the biblical theology, piety, and practice that we confess in the Reformed and Presbyterian churches, which piety is built around the divinely ordained means of grace. The Lord used the preaching of the Apostles to bring his elect to new life and true faith and through faith to union with... Continue Reading
No Cross, No Gospel
There seems to be a growing number of PCA churches and/or pastors who do not properly define the gospel.
Certainly a statement that addresses the gospel in all its fullness and implications could not fit in a simple statement. But there is simply no gospel apart from the cross. There is no proper explanation or proclamation of the gospel apart from the fact that “Christ died for our sins.” So how can it be... Continue Reading
Dr. Jones: There is an Answer to “How Many Works Are Necessary?”
What is our Lord’s answer to “How many works are necessary for final salvation?” Well quite frankly, all of them.
So, we see that good works are in fact necessary for salvation—perfectly performed and constant good works, with no derelictions of duty, all done from a pure heart of love for God and neighbor. This is what faith grasps, by the grace of God, in our only Savior Jesus Christ. And His works become our... Continue Reading
On Still Small Voices And Allegories
Perhaps we seek extra-biblical revelation because we are dissatisfied with what God has already said?
The truth is the God is not going to tell you directly, privately, through a “still, small voice” whether to attend this college or that, whether to take this job or that, or to marry this person or not. He has commanded us to work. He has told us to fulfill our vocation in this... Continue Reading
Righteousness and Repentance
Pursue repentance quickly, early, and truly rather than let your sin take such a hold that it doesn't lead to godly grief.
The church shouldn’t be foolish. For example, it would be foolish to put an adulterous pastor back in the pulpit after a few weeks of “repentance.” Nor can repentance remove any penalty imposed by the State, nor automatically restore broken relationships. Sin is far easier to see in others than in ourselves. The one in... Continue Reading