What if Herod Succeeded in Killing Baby Jesus?
If Jesus would have died at 2 years of age then it would directly change things for us. Chief among these changes is the reality of our justification.
Justification is the glorious doctrine that sinners are declared righteous before God. It is an instantaneous declarative act whereby God says that one who is guilty of sin is declared to be perfect in his sight based upon the merit of another, namely our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Romans 3:18-5:1). “Ruthless, barbaric, and depraved.” This... Continue Reading
The Lawmaker Made Under the Law to Save Lawbreakers
There is one Lawmaker, who, though he really was above the law, yet came under it far more than anyone else did.
Christ’s passive obedience began as soon as he was conceived in Mary’s womb. As soon as he was made of a woman, he was made under the law and subject to its curses. Not that he deserved this penalty, but rather he took the penalty his people deserved. Their liability to punishment was transferred entirely... Continue Reading
The Promise Is for You and Your Children
God is not only the God of Abraham, but also the God of Isaac and Jacob.
That is why Abraham was to circumcise his children: they needed to know they were not free to choose their own gods. They were to receive the sign of the covenant to show them that they were part of the covenant people. They belonged to the one true God, and they were to submit to... Continue Reading
The Tragedy of Dumbing Down Christianity
Ask most American Christians today any question deeper than “Does God love everyone?” and you’re bound to get some sort of response suggesting that that sort of discourse should be reserved for theological universities.
We have replaced rich, robust theology in the Church with emotional music and constant reminders that “God is love and loves you and He’s your personal Savior and loves your soul …” These words are great at bringing outsiders through the doors (because they’re true by and large) but poor at growing believers into mature... Continue Reading
Westminster Larger Catechism Q. 109 and Representations of Deity
A visual representation of Jesus is not necessarily an immoral object. It becomes immoral if it is regarded or treated superstitiously or used as an object of worship.
According to this fourth possible view, a visual representation of Jesus in His humanity is no more than an external image and a visual metonymical representation. It is therefore not necessarily an immoral object. It becomes immoral if it is regarded or treated superstitiously, if it is used as an object or channel of worship,... Continue Reading
10 Theological Tenets for Covenantal Apologetics
10 tenets to keep in mind as you begin to have apologetic conversations with unbelieving friends and neighbors.
Every fact and experience is what it is by virtue of the covenantal all-controlling plan and purpose of God. The facts of the world display God’s glory (Ps. 19:1ff; Rom. 1:20). To take those facts for selfish use is to twist them and pervert them. This is culpable rebellion against God, and it takes place... Continue Reading
Have You Heard The Great News From God?
Do you have a relationship with God, one that will last into eternity?
When you confess you are a sinner, that you need Jesus Christ to save you from your sin, God is faithful to forgive you from your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-10). At that time He applies Jesus Christ’s work to you, forgiving you of your sins and giving to... Continue Reading
Three Trinitarian Controversies Every Christian Should Know
These three controversies don’t exhaust the Trinitarian disputes of the last two thousand years, but they give us a glimpse into how important this doctrine is for the health of the church.
In order to rightly worship God, we need to properly describe how he has revealed himself! The orthodox taught that the Son was equal to the Father (unlike the Arians), but that he was also distinct from the Father (unlike the Modalists). They based their teachings on the Scriptures, and the apostolic faith they had... Continue Reading
Our Savior: The Author of Salvation
That is the God whom we serve: the Savior who works in us. He is the author of our salvation, and because He is the Savior, He will save.
The salvation that we have from our Savior is not only for this life and it is not only for the life to come. We are saved already, and yet the full consummation of the ages is still ahead of us, when we will dwell with Him for all eternity. Yet we need not fear... Continue Reading
Are Husbands Supposed to “Get Their Wives Ready for Jesus”?
There is nothing missing with women’s salvation that requires husbands to complete it.
Let’s say a guy who genuinely wants to follow Jesus reads this article, and now feels that he is being passive if he fails to correct his wife (and Stoudt does accuse men who don’t correct their wives of passivity). After all, his job is to sanctify his wife and get her ready for heaven,... Continue Reading