The Doctrine of Election Kills Pride
Why do so many people hate the precious doctrine of election?
When was the last time you talked about the doctrine of election with someone who differed with you on the subject and that conversation was calm, respectful, and ended in joy? It’s extremely common to have people who want to throw stones at you if you claim to embrace the absolute sovereignty of God over... Continue Reading
Life as the Enjoyment of the Covenant Communion Bond: The Tree of Life
From a bird’s-eye view we now zoom in to the central feature in the midst of the garden: the tree of life (Gen. 2:9).
While man possessed life since the beginning when God breathed the breath of life into him and placed him in his garden-kingdom for life-giving fellowship, the tree of life was a symbol or token of a higher form of life that was offered to him.[1] As we noted in our previous post, life was not a... Continue Reading
Yes, Things Are Falling Apart, But Don’t Panic. Here’s Why …
The world is coming to exactly what Jesus said it would come to, and this actually gives us a lot of hope.
Should we be concerned about increasing immorality in the schools, and on television, and in politics? Sure. Where appropriate, we should stand for righteousness. And, of course, we should instruct our kids how to think biblically about the sin they will most certainly encounter. But if we’re constantly outraged, disgusted, discouraged, or panicked, then we... Continue Reading
The Wages Of Sin Is Death
Death is real but it is not the final reality. Christ alone is the remedy for isolation and swelling, murderous hatred.
The consequence of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Christians ought to take every prudent step. We ought to engage the culture around us with Law and the Good News. We ought to seek to be a voice of wisdom and sanity in foolish and insane times but at all... Continue Reading
How Did We Get the Bible? – Inspiration
The church did not decide what should be in the Bible, but merely recognized the product of God-breathed inspiration.
God’s act of inspiration establishes the fact that the 66 books of the Bible are inerrant and infallible in every word. God makes no error in that which he inspires, regardless of the instrument. Further, since the Scriptures are inspired revelation from God, they are authoritative in all matters to which they speak. The consequence... Continue Reading
Fighting Fear: Psalm 56
We don’t escape fear by ignoring the things we’re afraid of…we escape fear when we place those things–and people–into the hands of God in prayer.
We will only give in to fear to the extent that we forget what God has done for us already. Specifically, the further our mind and heart wander from the cross of Christ, the more we will be subject to the pangs of fear. But those who force their heart to marvel at the cross... Continue Reading
There Are No Shortcuts to Growth
Casually attending to the things of the Lord will not result in our nurture. Visualizing or seeking a secret formula won’t help.
God’s work is easy for Him. He doesn’t look for shortcuts because He never grows weary. We get tired and frustrated, however. We’re tempted to look for the simple path, the quick answer, the effortless way forward. But there is none. Sanctification requires diligently attending to the means God has given us. The growth may... Continue Reading
U.S. Episcopal Diocese Votes to Stop Using Masculine Pronouns for God
The resolution to stop using "gendered language for God" was passed quickly by delegates to the Diocese's 123rd Convention.
“Jesus did not call God ‘Imma’ (Mother), but always and exclusively ‘Abba’ (Father),” Dr. Paul Tarazi of St. Vladimir Orthodox Theological Seminary explained. Indeed, “Father” is the only way Jesus ever referred to God, and the only way He taught His followers to do so. WASHINGTON, D.C., February 1, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The Episcopal church... Continue Reading
Will You Still Know Me?
Oh child, will I still know you? I will know you in a crowd of a thousand.
Jesus wrote my name in the pages of eternity. He inscribed me on hands wounded by the weight of the sin of humankind. I am bookmarked chosen. When Heidi comes back, a white bandage covers what used to be a brown birthmark. Her eyes are open, searching for me. I lean down, kiss her forehead... Continue Reading
What Should We Make of the Massive Repetition of Tabernacle Details in Exodus?
How might we approach Chapters 35-39 of Exodus?
“There’s no avoiding the fact that Exodus dedicates exorbitant space to the architectural details of the tabernacle. And those details occur not only once but twice. Every preacher must solve the conundrum of how to preach Exodus without preaching the same sermon(s) multiple times.” I used to lead a small group Bible study in... Continue Reading