Why You Want a Jealous God
to be jealous is one of God's attributes and is, in fact, an outworking of his being.
All of God’s attributes are equally true, so God is never unjustly or unfairly jealous but always righteously jealous. God is a good and holy God who not only deserves all praise and honor but who also cares that people have what is best for them—and he knows that he is what is the very best for... Continue Reading
The Puritans on the Lord’s Supper (4)
For the Puritans, the sacrament revolved around the Word, especially Christ’s words of institution (Matt. 26:26–28, 1 Cor. 11:23-26).
Perkins wrote, “The right manner of using the Lord’s Supper … is the observing of the institution, without addition, detraction, or change.”[3] For this reason, the Puritans preferred to call the sacrament “the Lord’s Supper” rather than “Holy Communion” or “the Eucharist,” thus rooting it in the words of Scripture (1 Cor. 11:20). Biblical Simplicity... Continue Reading
Getting the Garden Right: Eve and the Diverse Strands of Female Identity
The story of our first mother, Eve, has much to tell us about the purpose of women on this earth.
Eve’s identity was defined by her relationship to God, her relationship with her husband, her role as mother, her fall into sin, and her ultimate redemption. While the lives of individual women vary, and there are further aspects of female identity revealed in scripture, these are important things to remember when we consider the purpose... Continue Reading
I’m not Saved by Faith, I’m Saved by This
I’ve started to realize that saying that I’m saved by faith somewhat shortchanges the staggering, glorious reality of what Christ has accomplished on my behalf.
In Ephesians 1:7, Paul puts it this way, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace…” Then in verse 13, he says, “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were... Continue Reading
The Pillars That Grace Built
When God speaks, light erupts in dark places and paths appear in ways untrodden.
In the account of Israel’s redemption from Egypt, it is easy to pass from the wilderness to the promised land without pausing too long at Joshua 3 and 4, but to do so would be a disastrous shortcut. God has much to teach us about ourselves here. Now the Jordan is at flood stage all... Continue Reading
Ready and Not Afraid
More often than not, when I tell people I’m a pastor, they have questions–questions about our church, about what I believe, about the Bible, God, and the afterlife.
By the very nature of what we do, pastors are theologians and apologists. But in truth, every Christian is a theologian and an apologist. The question for all of us is whether we are good theologians and apologists and whether we are serious students of Scripture and the theology and answers that come from Scripture.... Continue Reading
Puritan Theology and the “Two Lights”
The very first statement (1.1) of the Confession sums up Puritan views on natural and special revelation, the two “lights” I will address in this post.
“Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men unexcusable; yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of his will, which is necessary unto salvation.” As a result of needing something more,... Continue Reading
Inquiring after the Weeds (Owen)
"There are two things that are suited to humble the souls of men, and they are, first, a due consideration of God, and then of themselves."
“It is no small evidence of a gracious soul when it is willing to search itself in this matter, and to be helped therein from a word of truth; when it is willing that the word should dive into the secret parts of the heart, and rip open whatever of evil and corruption lies therein.”... Continue Reading
You Must Disappoint Someone
How to Say No to Good Things
How other people perceive us — or how we think they’ll perceive us — has an extraordinary influence on how we choose to use our time. Coming to terms with ways we seek people’s approval or fear their disapproval will force us to face humbling truths about ourselves and may require repentance and uncomfortable change.... Continue Reading
3 Reasons to Study the Trinity
As we meditate on the reality that our God is triune, we should be moved to worship God for who he is, we should be encouraged by his love, and we should recognize the very practical implications God’s triune nature has for our lives!
As we try to wrap our minds around this revealed truth, we run up against the limits of our finite minds. Try as we might, the being of God is not something we can totally understand because we are made by God, we aren’t God. Every analogy we come up with ultimately falls short of... Continue Reading