The Imitation of Christ (1)
When it comes to the imitation of Christ we need to be careful to avoid two mortal errors.
On the one hand we must not fall into the trap of thinking that Jesus merely came to set an example for us to follow. And on the other hand, we must not believe that we don’t have to follow his example. These two errors are sometimes referred to as theological liberalism or moralism and... Continue Reading
Do the Psalms Pass the ‘Gospel-Centered’ Test?
If our theological grid for selecting songs doesn’t allow us to sing the Psalms, we might need to rethink it.
Is the song centered on Christ and the gospel? Is it focused on God or focused on the self? Does it celebrate and magnify the Triune God as revealed in Scripture? Is it vague, or specific and clear? Is it light on sin? These questions, and many others, are of upmost importance. I recently... Continue Reading
Our King-Servant-Anointed Conqueror: Jesus
He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. (Isa. 53:2–3)
What Israel needed was salvation. What Israel needed was a Savior. One who would come from “outside of themselves.” What Israel (Judah) needed was a Servant Savior who would do what she evidently could not do for herself. This also is our need. Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights. (Isa.... Continue Reading
Just Stop it, Part 5: How To Repent Of Corrupting Talk
In our text today Paul takes out the scouring brush and dish soap and goes to work on our mouths.
You’ve heard of the expression “I’ll wash your mouth out with soap”? My grandmother was quite a literalist. She dragged me into the kitchen, put on her rubber dishwashing gloves, wiped a generous glob of liquid soap onto an old grimy sponge, and proceeded to vigorously scour my tongue, teeth, and gums. Have you... Continue Reading
No Divinity, No Decency
Human sin is so destructive that we should expect to find only selfishness on earth.
After the flood and Noah’s worship of God, God made this promise: “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done” (Gen. 8:21). The human decency we see around... Continue Reading
Should We Qualify Our Prayers with “If It Be Your Will”?
We come to the presence of God in boldness, but never in arrogance.
When we come before God, we must remember two simple facts—who He is and who we are. We must remember that we’re talking to the King, the Sovereign One, the Creator, but we are only creatures. If we will keep those facts in mind, we will pray politely. We will say, “By Your leave,” “As... Continue Reading
Two Hands, Two Souls, and the Glory of God Displayed
We were in disbelief as we considered what the Lord had done that day.
Deformity and handicaps are some of the hardest things in the world. They are a stumbling block for many, and perhaps an excuse for many people to keep themselves from forsaking their sin and coming to the Lord. Even for us believers, it is very easy to forget that God is Sovereign over these deformities... Continue Reading
The Anxiety of Idolatry
Our Lord concludes by insisting that what we treasure and set our sights on is actually what we truly love.
Here is the connection between idolatry and anxiety. Christ says “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life.” The importance of this principle is highlighted by the fact that Jesus repeats it in vs 31 and 34, as well as by the fact that each time he teaches it he prefaces it with... Continue Reading
Setting a Course for Faithfulness
Why is it important to express and defend a biblical Christology?
“Consider this: Can we have the gospel without a biblical Christology? The answer, of course, is no. And without the gospel, we cease to be the church. We are called to proclaim the gospel and live out its ramifications. The heart and soul of the gospel is a biblical Christology. We must confess it, teach... Continue Reading
The Utter Horror Of The Smallest Sins
There are some who argue that there is really no such thing as big sins or little sins
“Our discussion of big sins and little sins tends to revolve around the fact that not all sins are the same and that some are bigger than others. This is true and it’s a worthwhile discussion to have, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that small sins reveal the sheer extent of our... Continue Reading