How the Names of God Reveal the Nature of God
One of the best ways to learn about God is to focus on his names or titles in the Bible.
Here is a short sketch of several names of God in the Bible that reveal God’s nature. The names described here specifically reveal how the Father and Son relate to one another and how God is eternally beneficent and always shares of himself. One of the paradoxes of our faith is that God both... Continue Reading
Do Christians Ever Need to Choose the Lesser Sin?
The idea that we sometimes have to choose the lesser sin because all our choices are sinful is a dangerous and deeply harmful idea for the Christian life.
There are other supposed “impossible moral conflict” situations that people bring up, but sometimes those are artificial situations. I think we should realize that if we ever come to a difficult situation like that, 1 Corinthians 10:13 says God will provide a “way of escape,” a way not to give into the temptation. We... Continue Reading
Does the Apostles’ Creed Speak to Today’s Social Issues?
The Apostles’ Creed disciples in the gospel. It lays out a redemption grounded in the triune God and centered in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
So in arriving at positions on social issues, the Creed does not so much give us bread as it teaches us how to bake bread—by the light and heat of God’s Word, in His call to be holy unto Him, through living out the lordship of Jesus Christ. Christ gives us this reminder as His... Continue Reading
Stop Chasing Happiness. It’s Making You Miserable
Where do we find meaning? For a while the answer was in the pursuit of happiness.
According to recent research, we need to rediscover the power of meaning. We find meaning when we view our lives as significant: when we can make sense of them, and when we are driven by a sense of purpose. At times, meaning and happiness can be at odds, but a sense of meaning gives us... Continue Reading
The Reformed View of Predestination
In the Reformed view, God from all eternity decrees some to election and positively intervenes in their lives to work regeneration and faith by a monergistic work of grace
“If God foreordains anything, it is absolutely certain that what He foreordains will come to pass. The purpose of God can never be frustrated. Even God’s foreknowledge or prescience makes future events certain with respect to time.” In the Reformed view, God from all eternity decrees some to election and positively intervenes in their... Continue Reading
A Guide To Walking In God’s Will In Every Decision
How can you know God’s will for your life?
“We can either lean on our own understanding or God’s understanding. We lean on our own understanding when we trust our unstable feelings instead of God’s unshakable word. We lean on our own understanding when we trust our own opinions rather than the wise counsel of those around us.” How can you know God’s... Continue Reading
What Every New Christian Needs From You
Well, to state the obvious, they need the gospel
“They need to be shown that the message which led them to Christ is the genuinely central message of the New Testament. So show them it again and again, from different books and different authors. If you’re meeting up regularly (and you should), take them on a tour of key verses.” I remember strapping... Continue Reading
Are We Allergic to Insignificance?
Jesus is telling a bunch of ambitious men who were hungry for power and significance in His kingdom that to actually get into the kingdom they must become relatively insignificant
“Jesus flips everything on its head. Jesus puts this little boy in the center and tells his disciples they need to become like a child, otherwise they will never enter the kingdom. Forget about being the secretary of defense; you won’t even get in without becoming like a child.” Can you imagine if all... Continue Reading
The Morning Before a Sexual Fall
How the battle for purity is lost
“Even in a society dominated by images and video, words remain the battleground for sexual purity. Every illicit image whispers a lie and makes a promise it cannot keep. By listening to the words of God and knowing him with fear and affection, we are prepared to prove that sexual sin’s promises are untrustworthy and... Continue Reading
Does God Really Invite Everyone?
By God’s grace, He calls people from every corner of the world to believe in His Son
“Everyone in the whole world is invited. All races, nations, ethnicities, and kinds of people are invited. There is no one who is too different, too sinful, too good, or too disabled who is not invited by Christ’s call to come and feast with him.” And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those... Continue Reading