The Great Shepherd
Jesus is the Great Shepherd: he does not drive his sheep with a whip from behind but calls his sheep by name and leads them into green pastures.
The full biblical picture the Lord paints for us is that of a Shepherd-Warrior who cares for His sheep, lovingly disciplines His sheep, rescues His sheep, and protects His sheep from themselves and from their enemies. This is why Jesus calls Himself the Great Shepherd, and He does not drive His sheep with a whip... Continue Reading
Six Benefits of Studying Church History
The church has always realized that a forward-looking church is also a backward looking church.
Studying the history of the church soberly reminds us that we take our place in the ranks of the army of God. We take up the same battle-beaten armor that the saints of old used. We use the same weapon, the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we fight, not only to continue our heritage but... Continue Reading
12 Reasons Why Jesus Meant It When He Said, “It Is Finished”
Twelve reasons why Jesus meant it when he said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).
It is Jesus’ obedience that saves us, not our own. Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be... Continue Reading
Tightening the Bible Belt’s Bible Belt (II)
How does God want us to worship him?
“And see that you make them after the pattern for them, which is being shown you on the mountain” (Ex. 25:40). In other words, God was not interested in Moses’ input. God explained to Moses how God wanted to be worshiped. This very text from Exodus is quoted by the author to the letter to... Continue Reading
The Crisis Of Not Listening
Israel’s failure to listen was a failure of faith and of obedience
“Psalm 81 renews God’s call to His people to listen to His proclamation of truth. For what was Israel to listen? First, Israel needed to hear God’s word of deliverance. This psalm calls on Israel in very personal terms and very directly to remember how their God had delivered them in the past.” Psalm... Continue Reading
Worshiping With Your Family
Some believe that family worship is complicated, or that it requires time-consuming preparation
“The centerpiece of family worship is the Bible. Read a passage of appropriate length for your family, making any impromptu comments that come to mind. Those with younger children should emphasize the narrative portions of Scripture, and possibly the Proverbs.” My spiritual mentor began worshiping with his wife before they were married, and has... Continue Reading
The Saints: Ordinary Means for Extraordinary Ends
Our good and gracious God redeems, inhabits, and glorifies himself through normal people
“What a normal guy, I thought throughout the service. He was a World War II veteran, a dad, a husband. He was simply faithful—to God and to his church—and the Lord ministered to others through him. What if we—as ordinary Christ-followers—followed in his footsteps? What if we, who are normal and unexceptional, simply pursued faithfulness?”... Continue Reading
When You Pray, It’s Okay to Plagiarize
Though we know it by rote through overlearning, we can never exhaust the theology of the Lord's Prayer
Fabricating a prayer as one “ought” is an impossible task. Christians feel, in a visceral as well as cognitive way, the insufficiency of their prayers that is our “always a sinner” nature. Our words are failing and ill-suited because we so often live by sight and not by faith. Our approach to the Holy One... Continue Reading
Remember Your God
In our prayers, we need to remember who God is and what He has done
“We remind ourselves that though we don’t know or understand the future, God does. We remember all he has done for us in Christ. It’s not the strength of our faith that sustains us during confusing times. It’s who our faith is in.” Life is filled with questions: What should I do? How will... Continue Reading
Our Hearts Are Made for Thanksgiving
To receive the simplest building blocks of life—relationships, nurture and nurturing, sustenance, opportunities for cultivation, sun and rain—is to walk with God with joy unhindered.
We’re told we must make it our goal to enjoy the simplest of things, like strawberries and coffee and teaching multiplication tables to second-graders. In other words, the routine and the mundane that we rarely think much about. But they are gifts given to all people—the bread, the water, the work of our hands—and Solomon,... Continue Reading