What is Impassibility?
Defining a forgotten attribute.
We must remember that any examination of God and the teaching about Him recorded in Scripture must be done in the context of devotion. The words of Leviticus 10:3 provide the context for our study: “By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; And before all the people I must be... Continue Reading
3 Ways Christ’s Resurrection Changes You
Because of who Christ is, the resurrection is an event, unlike any other in history, which has the power to fundamentally change us because it gives a new identity, purpose, and hope.
Chances are that you’ve been asked you if you are “born again,” but it’s probably unlikely that anyone has asked, “Are you resurrected?” This second question might seem kind of odd to ask someone, yet the Bible uses both the metaphor of rebirth and Christ’s resurrection as ways to describe the start of the Christian... Continue Reading
The Resurrection of Christ
According to the New Testament, the disciples believed in the resurrection of Jesus because Jesus really, after His death, came out of the tomb….
But Christian experience, though it cannot make us Christians whether Jesus rose or not, still can add to the direct historical evidence a confirming witness that, as a matter of fact, Christ did really rise from the dead on the third day, according to the Scriptures. The “witness of the Spirit” is not, as it... Continue Reading
He is Not Here, He is Risen
What significance does the resurrection of Jesus have in God’s redemptive plan?
For Jesus, being the Christ meant that He so closely identified with His people that whatever can be said of Him can, at least in principle, be said of them. For Christians (both Jews and Gentiles, see Rom. 9:4–8), then, this means that they participate in God’s covenant, becoming by faith heirs of His promises,... Continue Reading
Romans 4:25: The Key To Understanding Easter
The gospel is not merely the news that Christ died, but also that he rose again.
The resurrection of Christ, therefore, is not merely a remote historical fact, like the Revolutionary War or fall of Rome. Rather, the resurrection of Christ is the ground upon which we hope that Christ’s work on our behalf has succeeded and been ratified by God himself. Christ claimed to be our sin bearer. By raising... Continue Reading
The Main Secret of Spiritual Prosperity – J.C. Ryle
Jesus teaches that diligence in engaging God’s Word pays off big time.
I’ve had ups and downs in the Christian life and have experienced both the rich treasure of diligence and the bitter fruit of neglect as it comes to paying attention to God’s Word. Jesus’ words from Mark 4 and Ryle’s comments encourage me to give my all to hearing, loving, and obeying God’s Word. I... Continue Reading
Reason, Revelation and the Resurrection
Scripture, inspired by God as it is, cannot be made subject to general revelation.
For Biologos to base their argument on the authority of Scripture opens them to the mockery and ridicule of a skeptical world, the very same they are trying to avoid. This seems, rather too much, like having one’s cake and eating it. One cannot, with any credibility before the believing or unbelieving world, cite Scriptural... Continue Reading
3 Prayers to Pray as You Open God’s Word
The quality of the Word of God doesn’t change. But what does differ is the state of the heart on which the seed of God’s Word falls.
Jesus told a story one day about a farmer that went out to sow seed, and he did so liberally. The picture we get is of the farmer, in a non-discriminate way, throwing the seed from his bag onto all different kinds of soil, and the seed had varying results. But it was the same... Continue Reading
Federal Headship
Christ’s righteousness is imputed to all those whom He represents.
It is in light of the imputation of Adam’s first sin to human beings that these guilty human beings, from the moment of their conception, inherit a fallen nature from their parents. For these reasons, there is no hope or help to be found in or among those who are “in Adam.” But hope and help... Continue Reading
Elihu the Preacher
Pastors, let's add Elihu to our list of preaching heroes!
Elihu reminds young preachers that those who have the “breath of the Almighty” are qualified to speak His Word, regardless of their age. In truth, youth does come with a fair share of weakness–but God’s Spirit overcomes. As he started to get into the meat of his message, Elihu showed his dependence on God’s Spirit... Continue Reading