The Next Generation Needs the Gospel Rather than Another Cheap Pragmatic Trick
When pragmatism takes priority over theology, the church is driven to do all sorts of things in the name of reaching people for Jesus in ways that Jesus would never approve.
Every Christian motto is built upon a theological foundation. It’s either fueled by low theological conviction that takes a backseat to pragmatism or it’s fueled by a high theological conviction that drives decision making and functionality. We want the latter rather than the former. “We must be willing to do whatever it takes the... Continue Reading
Did Jesus’ Ministry Last 3 Years?
Don’t allow your familiarity with the tradition to blind you from careful observation of the text!
We could explore a number of such traditions that Protestants ought to be willing to reconsider in light of the biblical data. In this post, I’ll tackle the typically unexamined maxim that Jesus’ ministry lasted for 3 years. A related assertion is that Jesus was 33 years old when he was crucified. Careful observation of... Continue Reading
Many Hear the Gospel with Joy but Don’t Continue in the Faith
Those who are genuinely saved are those who prove themselves to be doers of the Word.
I once saw a report about a massive international evangelistic campaign in which millions of people supposedly had made decisions for Christ. When I read that, I wondered how many of those decisions for Christ were true conversions and how many of them were spurious. People like what they hear at these events and can... Continue Reading
Is the Attractiveness of Sin Enticing You Right Now?
The people and things we allow into our lives can be tremendous blessings on one end of the spectrum—to horrible disrupters on the other end.
If you are in Christ, you can rest in the fact that Jesus died on the cross for every transgression you have ever committed or ever will commit. Yet, God has also called you to live a holy life, striving to honor him in all things. Believers should never be okay with sin but rather need... Continue Reading
The Scars of Heaven
Glory has glimpses of the suffering that preceded it, but those ‘deep wounds yet visible above’ are now ‘in beauty glorified’.
The scars I bear in my body, my mind, my soul, the adversities and setbacks, the pains that may yet await me before I get to heaven, the relational wounds, the memories from which I struggle to recover, the darkness of doubt and the battles with unbelief, will not necessarily be removed when I get... Continue Reading
Spiritual Warfare (2)
Against Satan’s tactic of temptation, we are to stand firm in Christ’s strength.
Dependence on Christ through whom we can do all things is the lesson learned by Paul through the instrumentality of Satan (2 Cor. 12:7-10). Pride is an ally of the evil one and brings us to resist God rather than the devil. Humility gives ear to God and finds strength in the grace of God... Continue Reading
How Do We Become Spiritually Mature?
The only activity that catalyzes the ongoing sanctifying process is taking in the truth of Scripture.
Cognition—knowing and understanding the truth—is the first step in pursuing spiritual growth through the Word of God. After cognition comes conviction. As we learn the truth of Scripture, we must begin to develop beliefs into convictions. Our lives are controlled by our convictions. As the truth of God’s Word begins to occupy our minds and... Continue Reading
Who You Are and Why It Matters
We are, former enemies of God, not only forgiven but wedded to Christ, who showers us with all of his benefits.
As the Italian monk, Benedetto da Mantua, wrote in the early 16thcentury, “The Bride says, overwhelmed by joy: The realms and kingdoms of my beloved spouse are mine. I am queen and empress of heaven and earth. My husband’s riches—that is, his holiness, innocence, righteousness, and Godhead, together with all his virtue and might—are at... Continue Reading
Daily Bread and Daily Pardon
Only when we both know and feel the joy of sins forgiven will it be an instrument in God’s hands.
If we ourselves do not know the once-for-all pardon for sin and the acceptance we have with God on the basis of Christ’s judicial satisfaction and his righteousness imputed to us in salvation, then all the ‘bread’ in the world will be worthless to us. There is no life apart from God. Only in union... Continue Reading
Overcoming the Daily Pressure of Pastoral Anxiety
Only when we are weak can God show us just how strong He is.
A true pastor will know that he has been called to share the sufferings of Christ and the burdens of his flock, overwhelming though they may be. A true pastor will furthermore know that that very same Christ sits with the Father on a throne to dispense grace in the time of need. He has... Continue Reading