Obey God Rather Than Man
If the world is going to hate us, let them hate us for our gospel message.
Going along with the crowd is a natural temptation when we face hard situations. We do not want to be ugly. We do not desire to stir up trouble. It is just easier to quietly submit. Giving in to our desires to avoid a problem is not what we are called to do. We are... Continue Reading
Three Ways to Teach Teens to Think Theologically
While knowledge does not equal love, it should cultivate an increasing devotion to God and gentleness toward others.
The more your teenager knows God, the better she should know how to love and obey him. The more she understands herself, the more she should appreciate God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice for her sin. Because God is good and kind, merciful and gracious, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, the study of this good... Continue Reading
Overcoming the Fear of Evangelism
When we speak the pure gospel, we can be sure that we are glorifying God.
What?! Someone like Jesus is not ashamed to associate with people like us? Why professional athletes want to associate with other profession athletes makes sense. Why kings wish to associate with other kings is easy to understand. What is unfathomable beyond all things unfathomable is why the Sovereign King of kings would want to associate... Continue Reading
1 John 4:8
The Bible beautifully brings together the varied attributes of God as all belonging to His glory.
Theologians have considered the essential unity of all God’s attributes under the heading of His simplicity, though the idea here might seem to be anything but simple. The point is not that this idea is easy to communicate or comprehend (after all, it is God we are talking about), but that God’s attributes do not... Continue Reading
Working Lights
Your good works are a crucial complement to the preaching of the word.
Christ said that the purpose of letting our light shine in good works is that that they may “glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16b). Ley said, “All good children seek their fathers’ honour,”[12]and so must we, if we are children of God. Poole said, “You are not in your good actions to... Continue Reading
I Believe in the Holy Spirit (John 16:5-15)
The distinctive, constant, basic ministry of the Holy Spirit under the new covenant is so to mediate Christ’s presence to believers.
The Holy Spirit has taken up residence within those of us who are followers of Jesus, and he promises never to leave. “In our darkest moment, he’s as real as the breath in our lungs” (J.D. Greear). God is so committed to us that he doesn’t just reveal himself. He doesn’t even just forgive us and... Continue Reading
Belief in a Savior that Leads to a Battle Against Sin
God sent his Son into the world to die a death to sin on my behalf and to be raised up to conquer death on my behalf.
When I feel the weariness of life and my failures, my eyes are on myself – apart from my union with Jesus. Instead, Paul would have me fix my eyes on Jesus and remember that I’m united with him until I believe it deep in my soul again. You see, we are not merely finite people... Continue Reading
Does Increased Access to Knowledge Satisfy More in the Long Run?
There is a knowledge that we can desire that does turn sorrow to satisfaction.
As we look up to Christ, we are reminded that he is the Wisdom of God that came to us to open our eyes. As Paul writes to the Corinthians, And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is... Continue Reading
Why Did Jesus Institute the Lord’s Supper on the Passover?
The greater exodus was preceded by the institution of the Lord’s Supper.
In the later prophetic books of the Old Testament, the exodus would be viewed as the paradigmatic act of redemption. When the prophets looked toward God’s future work of redemption, they compared it to the original exodus and spoke of it in terms of a new and greater exodus. As the book of Exodus... Continue Reading
Why Is the Church So Messed Up?
We must try to be in practice the one church that Jesus says we already are.
What stands in our way? Sometimes it’s pride and arrogance, which are sins. More often than not, however, the issue is truth: the word about Jesus that is supposed to unify actually divides believers. There have been plenty of unified communities throughout history, but unity by itself (political, special interest, or family) doesn’t testify to... Continue Reading