Christ the Ladder
The idea that God speaks to people in visions and dreams is an increasingly influential sentiment in the church worldwide.
Though meeting with and hearing from God was slightly nuanced at different times and with different people, the fact seems clear that there was a face-to-face element to it. So are the modern proponents of prophecy, visions, and dreams correct? Should the modern Christian expect to hear from God like Jacob did, to see Him... Continue Reading
How Marxist Thinking Is Seeping into the Church
From Christianity Today to the The Gospel Coalition, to the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC, and almost everywhere in between, social justice is preached as an ideal aspect of Christian involvement in politics and culture.
When you consider that the culture is moving toward socialism faster than ever before; that, according to a recent Barna study, “36% of practicing Christians accept ideas associated with Marxism;” and that once politically conservative Christian institutions are coming out in favor of socialism (or variants thereof), the cumulation of these things leaves one wondering... Continue Reading
Why the Reformation Still Matters
Clearly, those first Reformers didn’t think they were picking a juvenile fight; as they saw it, they had discovered glad tidings of great joy.
At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Europe had been without a Bible the people could read for something like a thousand years. Thomas Bilney had thus never encountered the words “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15). Instead of the Word of God, they were left to the understanding... Continue Reading
A Heavenly Appetizer
Jesus commanded His disciples to "do this in remembrance of me." But is that all it is?
More than just remembering Christ, we are actually communing with Him by His Spirit. “Our memories of Christ are no substitute for his living presence,” Marcus Johnson writes. “Our recollections of Christ’s death, as meaningful and enriching as they are, cannot replace our very participation in the One who was crucified.” [1] Many Christians today hold... Continue Reading
“Casting Sins Away”
The assurance that our guilt is gone and that there is “now no condemnation” for a lifetime of sinful rebellion and unbelief does not come by throwing bread crumbs into a pond.
The water in a pond or lake or river cannot wash our consciences clean of the guilt of sin. No ritual performed, no matter how sincerely or passionately pursued, can redeem us from the curse of sin and the judgment that it has incurred. This alone is found by faith in Jesus Christ and the... Continue Reading
Women of the Reformation: Jane Grey
Though she had royal connections and heritage, sixteen-year-old Jane had not anticipated becoming queen.
Jane was brought to the royal quarters of the Tower of London with great pomp as she reluctantly accepted the crown. However, Mary refused to recognize the change in the succession made by Edward and the Privy Council, and she gathered forces in opposition to Jane. Within nine days, support for Jane collapsed, and Mary... Continue Reading
What Is Wrong With The Theology Of Glory ? (2)
The theologian of glory offers to God’s people what, by nature, they are prone to want.
I suppose all people groups have been given to rationalism, moralism, and triumphalism, but these three qualities describe Modern American religion very well. Look at the “successful” churches. Consider that I just used the adjective “successful” to describe a church. Jesus said, “take up your instrument of social marginalization, ritual public humiliation, and death and... Continue Reading
Is Middle Knowledge Biblical? An Explanation
Interest in this doctrine seems to be growing in the more popular and accessible world of internet blogs, videos, and podcasts.
In this two part series, the biblical fidelity of Molinism with be examined from a self-consciously and confessionally Reformed perspective. However, before its biblical fidelity can be evaluated, which will be the focus of the forthcoming post, we must seek to understand Molinism on its own terms. Therefore, it must be asked: What is Molinism,... Continue Reading
How to Read 1-2 Peter Theologically
Our primary concern when reading any book of Scripture—including 1–2 Peter—is interpreting the texts themselves.
To make the texts of 1–2 Peter primary means we be attentive to the message of these books. We must read them theologically. This means we must wrestle with their doctrinal emphases and calls to faithful living coram deo—in the presence of God. If we miss the practical emphases of these letters, then we have... Continue Reading
Are You Wearing Spectacles? Objectivity and the Interpretation of Scripture
At its root, confirmation bias is the consequence of the Fall.
All of Adam’s offspring are marked by the resolve to “suppress truth in unrighteousness” (Rom 1:19). In their sinful state, human beings are subjectivists, incapable of interpreting anything except through the lens of self. Thus, when the natural man hears the word of God, he rejects it because his internal “yes man” confirms it to be what he... Continue Reading