Go Home
Learn from the Shepherds. Meet Christ and then go back to magnificent houses or tarpaper shacks.
The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God … Returned to where? They returned to where they were when the angel appeared to them to give them the announcement. They returned to their work. They returned to being the social outcasts that they were according to the community standards and traditions of the time. They went,... Continue Reading
God and Our Worst Moments (Micah 5:2-5)
Micah should cause us all to examine our lives. And yet he leaves us with hope.
Some of us think God is lenient about sin. Or at least we think that God is more tolerant of sin for Christians. We rightly emphasize God’s grace: that “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Romans 5:20). And we should emphasize God’s grace. But I sometimes worry that we’ve fallen into the mistake of... Continue Reading
Stepping out of the Shadows
There is a great temptation to be an unobtrusive follower, but it is always to our loss.
There is a great temptation to tone down our Christianity out of fear of what others will think of us. Or the fear of what will happen to our standing. Joseph was a prominent member of the council of seventy (Mark 15:43). He was one who was honoured and respected; his opinion mattered. He stood... Continue Reading
A Creedal Christmas – Our Lord
As God, Jesus has always been king, absolute Sovereign over all He has made.
To affirm Jesus as Lord is not merely an act of respect, not even an expression of servant to master; it is to bow the knee before Jesus in trust and commitment to His kingdom. To call Him “our” Lord is to align ourselves with others of kindred faith and count ourselves among the kingdom... Continue Reading
Keeping the End in Sight
We are pilgrim travelers en route to a celestial city whose foundation and maker is our God.
The spiritual man, who we truly are, is renewed by the Spirit of Christ. Christ lives in us, and therefore we can face these challenges. Even though the outer man, our physical bodies, is dying daily, we rejoice because as the new man, we are alive in Christ. While we bear in our bodies the... Continue Reading
How to Read Habakkuk Theologically
Since God is just, and since God is sovereign, he expects us to wait on him in faith-filled trust and expectation.
Just as I would be shocked were the Lord to use the Islamic State to judge my church, Habakkuk is shocked that God would use Babylon to raze Judah. The rest of the book goes on to promise God’s later judgment on the Babylonians (ch. 2), and it ends with Habakkuk’s prayer recounting God’s glory... Continue Reading
They Shall Call His Name Immanuel (Matthew 1:23)
This baby will be the embodiment of God’s presence among his people, the sign that God will save.
Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah. The thing is that the birth of a child is very easy to overlook. Only those with eyes to see it recognize the importance of what happened when Jesus was born. The birth of Jesus is a turning point of history. It’s God actually becoming one... Continue Reading
This Advent Will Change You
The habit of waiting for Christmas.
Each year, in our month of waiting to mark the arrival of God himself in human flesh, we remember the people of God who waited centuries — centuries! — for the coming of the promised Messiah to rescue them. They had God’s promises: a “seed of the woman” who would crush the serpent’s head (Genesis... Continue Reading
A Creedal Christmas–God’s Only Son
The Word became flesh.
Those who try to make a case for Jesus not being divine will point us to passages of the Bible that show the humanity of Christ, while neglecting those passages that demonstrate the divinity of Christ. But the accounts make it clear that Jesus is God. This Advent series explores the identity of the... Continue Reading
Seeing Hope From a Cave
Our God is bigger than every problem and challenge we face.
Our prayer to God is an inclination of our hearts in trust toward Him. As our hearts look to God, we can know that He is bigger than the biggest trial we face, and therefore we can also praise by faith…before we see any answer to our prayer. As we live the Christian life,... Continue Reading