How to Read Matthew Theologically
Matthew has packed his Gospel with all the cues and prompts necessary to read his Gospel properly.
The title of the Gospel contains several of the most important cues. This title shows that the Gospel should be read Christo-centrically. The book is primarily about Jesus. Although modern English translations typically identify the title of the Gospel as something like “The Gospel according to Matthew,” the original title of the Gospel is Matthew... Continue Reading
Not as the Word of Men
The Apostle Paul explained that the Holy Spirit was the source of both divine revelation and illumination in 1 Cor. 2:6-16.
There are many other places to which one might turn in order to substantiate the Scripture’s own testimony to itself; however, I have long believed that the teaching of 1 and 2 Thessalonians is among the most overlooked and under-appreciated in this regard. A brief consideration of its teaching bolsters the confidence of believers regarding... Continue Reading
What It Means to Be a Christian
Christianity is Christ and Christ is God.
To be a Christian is to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Christianity is faith in Christ, love for Christ, and obedience to Christ. But it is more than that. Christianity is a life of spiritual union with Christ. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who... Continue Reading
Do Not Love What Jesus Died to Deliver Us From
When we study the Bible faithfully and prayerfully, the Treasure of God’s truth is revealed to our hearts.
God isn’t hiding anything from us, but the battle, the work, to dig into His Word is part of the process of knowing Him and His truth. If we attempt to know Him, but aren’t going to take the time to dig for the truth then our interpretation of scripture will not be very deep... Continue Reading
Jesus is King (Luke 1:32-33)
Some events, some milestones matter more than others.
The whole theme of the Bible is God making a promise. We made a mess of this world, and the whole theme of Scripture is about God’s promise to create a people for himself. God refused to write all of humanity off. In Genesis 12, God appears to Abraham and launches a plan to reverse... Continue Reading
12 Good Things to Remember When You Are Tempted to Indulge in Self-Loathing
Each one of us knows all too well our own mistakes and shortcomings.
When it comes to finding someone to blame, the easiest person with whom to find fault is usually oneself. Here are twelve good things for Christians to remember when they are tempted to indulge in self-loathing. In the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000), there is a scene where the main character (played by... Continue Reading
Trust the Bible Above Your Experience
The Bible is a book that was breathed out of the mouth of God.
As we head into a new year, let me ask you a question. Did you trust your experience above the Bible last year? You may say, I would never do that! I’m a discerner! I believe in expository preaching! Let me tell you that we are all in danger of trusting in ourselves rather than... Continue Reading
Why Should Christians Study the Bible?
The purpose of theology is not to tickle our intellects but to instruct us in the ways of God.
The Bible criticizes us. When we come to the Word of God, the Word of God exposes our sin. The biblical doctrine of man includes us, as does the biblical doctrine of sin, and we are reproved for our sinfulness when we come to the text of Scripture. We may not listen to the criticism... Continue Reading
How to Grieve as a Christian
The place our loved one has gone to seems vague, ethereal, shadowy, unreal—but the truth is the other way around!
It’s tempting to look down the long tunnel of the next twenty, thirty, forty years and think ‘How will I cope for all this time without my loved one?’ But Jesus explicitly tells us not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough trouble of its own (Mt 6.34). He promises us grace sufficient for... Continue Reading
Seven Opportunities for Manifesting Mercy
If you have mercy in your heart, you will speak to Christ about lost people and you will speak to lost people about Christ.
There is a harshness in our culture (and too often it is creeping into the church) that is quick to believe the worst about a person, and slow to think the best. It is so easy to slide into making much of other people’s failings and little of their strengths and virtues. A merciful person goes... Continue Reading