What Is the Meaning of Marriage?
From the beginning, marriage always signified God’s union with humanity in Christ.
When God created humans in his image, he joined male to female together through marriage. The joining of the sexes carries symbolic meaning that reveals a deep mystery embedded in creation. Paul explains, “This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church” (Eph 5:32). In Scripture marriage... Continue Reading
Context Matters: The Weaker Vessel
It behooves husbands to ensure they understand what is expected of them.
The first observation we ought to make regarding the command to husbands in 1 Peter 3:7 is the first word, “likewise.” We must ask a critical interpretive question: “Likewise to what?” That is, what is this command to husbands like? How is this command similar to that which came before? Though it may be unpopular to... Continue Reading
What Exactly Is the Nature of True and Saving Faith?
We can become frustrated when our faith doesn’t seem to produce the result we desire.
When we begin to sense our weakness and the weakness of our faith, we must listen to the words of Christ, “If you have faith as a mustard seed…” Sinclair Ferguson sums all of this up when he writes, “The weakest faith gets the same strong Christ as the strongest faith.” In his autobiography, Grace... Continue Reading
The Parable of the Seed Growing
We just need to scatter the seed. The rest is God’s work.
The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear” (vv. 27–28). Note first that growth happens “automatically.” When good seed falls on prepared ground, it will sprout and grow. The power for that growth lies in the seed itself. It’s the powerful Word that will accomplish... Continue Reading
Context Mattered to Jesus, Part 2
Is the Lord among us or not? (Exodus 17:7)
With numerous and precious promises, God told Israel that he remembered his covenant and would be their people (Ex 6:2–8). He traveled with them as a pillar of cloud and fire; they knew his awesome and mighty presence with them (Ex 13:21–22). And yet, the people doubted their God. After Jesus was baptized by John,... Continue Reading
The Curtain, His Flesh
Easter was never to be a once in a year celebration, and we are to remember the death of the Saviour in every prayer we engage in.
When Christians pray, they are not to forget the wounding and agony of Christ. The rent curtain tells Christ’s offering of himself as we engage in prayer, to remind us that Christ procured this right only by his own suffering. So we have seen that both the role of the Spirit, as the replacement Comforter,... Continue Reading
The Gods of the Prosperity Gospel
Unmasking American Idols in Africa
A Christ-centered interpretation will make it plain that the Bible is not first and foremost about us but Christ. If the Scriptures are about him (John 5:39; Luke 24:44), he must be central in our Bible meditation, preaching, and teaching. This Christ-centered approach will make it plain that the gospel is not about health, wealth,... Continue Reading
Lord’s Day Meditation: “Underneath Are the Everlasting Arms” by C.H. Spurgeon
All through life, and at its close, we shall be upheld by the “everlasting arms”
The Christian may be sinking under trouble from within through fierce conflict, but even then he cannot be brought so low as to be beyond the reach of the “everlasting arms”–they are underneath him; and, while thus sustained, all Satan’s efforts to harm him avail nothing. This assurance of support is a comfort to any weary... Continue Reading
Amen — ‘A Sound Like Thunder’
The characteristic response to the gracious Amen of heaven is the glad and adoring Amen of the church.
The God of Scripture is the faithful God. He comes to his people in grace and makes his promises with an abundant liberality. Nor does he leave any room for doubt. He means what he says and will perform every word. Christ is his pledge and the Son’s ‘Amen’ is the declaration of the Father’s... Continue Reading
Guarding Our Eyes
May God grant that we shall be numbered among those who believe the seriousness of the issues involved in “guarding our eyes.”
In Matthew 18:7–9, we are informed that we must be willing to deal with those occasions to sin as though we were excising the offending member, be it our hands, our eyes, or our feet. The options before us are clear: Get rid of the offending member or be damned. Conquer the sin at any cost.... Continue Reading