Is It True That God Blesses Those Who Bless Israel and Curses Those Who Curse Israel?
Who is the Israel of God?
God is going to bless those who bless Abraham, which means He is going to bless those who bless Israel. And this promise was never withdrawn. It must come to pass, which means it is still in force today. But does the Israel of God exist today? One of the first promises in the... Continue Reading
Five Encouraging Truths Regarding Predestination
Why is it that so many professing Christians and church leaders approach predestination from a negative perspective?
To connect the inability of man with the predetermined plan of God found in texts like Ephesians 1 and Romans 8, points to the fact that Jesus’ death was successful from eternity past to eternity future and that every last one of his people would be saved. That’s why the angel said to Joseph in... Continue Reading
Men: Pursue Others Like Jesus Pursues You
Too often we are silent when we know of someone’s trouble. Silence is the same as turning away.
The extroverts among us seem to make it look easy. The more shy might be intimidated by potential awkwardness or silence. But loving pursuit is neither easy nor natural to anyone. All of us need both humility and help from Scripture in order to navigate the early stages of a helpful conversation. Following Jesus’s... Continue Reading
The Gospel Is The Power Of God For Salvation Conforming the Hearts of Believers To Christ
The power of God for salvation: Christ not only propitiates the wrath of God in our justification but He shattered the power of sin and death to enslave us.
The operative pattern for the Christian is to understand that corruption still exists but that we are now united to Christ. We have died with Christ and risen again in new life. The flesh still operates and entices us but we need to be on-guard and hate it. We need to be killing it. It... Continue Reading
Should Christians Practice Lent?
The tradition of Lent grew out of a fundamental misunderstanding and misapplication of Christ’s forty-day fast in the wilderness before being tempted by the devil.
Lent as we know it today did not arise out of this biblical understanding of fasting. Rather, Lent came about as a superstitious misunderstanding both of the purpose of fasting in general and the purpose of Christ’s forty-day fast in the wilderness in particular. As a result, Calvin correctly summarizes, “the superstitious observance of Lent... Continue Reading
Cessationism in a Nutshell
This particular issue is not insignificant, which is why it provokes so much debate.
The term cessationism is typically used in theology with reference to the belief that the practice of miraculous spiritual gifts ceased at the end of the time of the apostles. In contrast, the term continuationism is used with reference to the belief that the practice of miraculous spiritual gifts continue to be practiced today. Of all the posts that I’ve put on... Continue Reading
Naming Names
Why It’s OK (and Necessary) to Call Out False Teachers and Fugitives from Church Justice by Name
Is the error being propagated publicly? It must be refuted publicly—in the pulpit, in print, and in person. Does it rear its ugly head after it has already been defeated? It must again be refuted, however many times it takes. Does that sound fatiguing? Discouraging? Like a losing battle? It is. But that is the... Continue Reading
Not by Faith Alone?
An Analysis of the Roman Catholic Doctrine of Justification from Trent to the Joint Declaration
Justification by faith alone has been a cause of rupture between Protestantism and the church of Rome since the sixteenth century, and this is an unchangeable fact with important theological and symbolic significance. The present-day status quaestionis of the debate is a contested issue. Matthew Barrett, executive editor of Credo Magazine, has edited a new... Continue Reading
Is the Kingdom of God Here?
The kingdom of God is not merely present possession—it is an eternal reward.
The kingdom of God can be defined as the king himself, king Jesus. We are his people, his body, and so co-rulers. We will, as Paul says, judge the angels. Yet the full expression of the kingdom in all its magnificence will come when Jesus returns to judge the quick and the dead. Over... Continue Reading
Exercising Wisdom When Helping People in Need
Seek to treat the causes of a person’s problems, not merely the symptoms.
For someone who needs financial help, you need to ask: Where is your family? Do you have extended family that can help? Have you tried government assistance? Are you a member of a church, and have you approached your deacons? In my time as a pastor I regularly encountered people who were in dire... Continue Reading