Treasures of the Christian Life Pt 7 – Heaven
This is best part of heaven: We will see the face of the Lamb of God. We will see Jesus.
Heaven is saturated with the manifestations of God’s attributes. His goodness, beauty, power, majesty, are all radiating from him and are clearly visible in all aspects of heaven’s design and construction. The earth and heavens that we know today will pass away (2 Peter 3:1–12) and will be replaced by the eternal heaven. There will be... Continue Reading
How Romans 8 Made Me a Calvinist
God is in charge. The outcome is secure.
God hasn’t left the composition of Christ’s family in the hands of fickle human beings. God does more than just influence—he predestines. That’s why all things will work together for the good of the called, and Christ will be the firstborn among many brothers (Rom. 8:29). Editors’ note: Take part in TGC’s Read the... Continue Reading
God Isn’t Fair (And That’s a Good Thing)
What you and I need now more than ever is not fairness but forgiveness.
On the Day of Judgment, no one will be able to accuse God of being unfair. Each of us will get exactly what we have cried out for. The standard will be the same for everyone. For the rich and the poor. For the oppressed and the oppressor. For the black and the white and... Continue Reading
Our King-Servant-Anointed Conqueror: Jesus
Isaiah saw the coming of Jesus who would bring redemption and restoration.
Isaiah saw the coming of Jesus who would bring redemption and restoration. This is why Isaiah is called “the evangelical prophet”—his entire focus is on the evangel, the “good news” of the gospel. Good news for sinners like you and me. Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights.... Continue Reading
Can an Angry Judge Be Just?
Our fair and furious God.
In ordinary human courts, a judge who feels personal fury toward the defendant would likely recuse himself. But in the divine court, wrath and fury are perfectly fitting. “For those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury” (Romans 2:8). Why must God’s perfect... Continue Reading
“Gay Christian” Identity: Unadvisable, Unbiblical, and Unwise
For a Christian to identify with one proclivity and propensity to sin is unbiblical; sins related to our sexuality represent only one area of our lives where we are tempted.
For a Christian to identify with one’s proclivity and propensity to sin is unadvisable—unadvisable because it proclaims that sin still has dominion over you. It may even proclaim you are comfortable with it. For a Christian to identify with one’s proclivity and propensity to sin is unbiblical—unbiblical because it fails to recognize “. . .... Continue Reading
Tried With Fire: On the Shelf
"They also serve who only stand and wait.”
No one looks forward to body and mind decaying. Nobody wishes for a falsely-ruined reputation. No believer wants to be useless to God. Some have even preferred to take their own lives rather than to submit to what they viewed as a futile existence. All of which raises an important question: is it even possible... Continue Reading
When We Shop to Find Fulfillment
If we shop to fill an emptiness in our lives, when we consume, we are the ones being consumed.
It is no wonder people are empty. Even Christians swimming in these waters are bound to take their eyes off Jesus and put them on the waves from time to time. When we do that, we know what happens; we start to sink. There is so much emptiness to go around that many marketers appeal... Continue Reading
Let’s Stop Giving Gospel-Less Counsel
The law and behavior modification can’t save us from sin. We need the gospel for true change.
What kind of counselors will we be? Will we only give law and behavior modification in an attempt to uproot bad propensities? Will we send our brothers and sisters in Christ into deep self-examination to dwell on their wretchedness and dig up all their sins on their own? Or will we point our friends to... Continue Reading
Personal Holiness
Only the Spirit-led are seeking to live holy lives.
Holiness is the hallmark of the Spirit-led believer. This attribute will lead to persecution. Why? The holy believer is in the World, but is not part of it. They do not conform to it in any way. The holy believer’s righteousness confronts the lost with the uncompromising message of the Gospel. It also flies in... Continue Reading