The Advance of the New Legalism
We can be in danger of turning what is good, maybe even best for certain contexts, into a rule that the Lord never insists upon.
The new legalism doesn’t say ‘keep away.’ The new legalism says do more and more and the doing becomes the new law. Like with the old legalism, it takes a biblical principle and pushes it too far. I have previously commented that we have a surprising problem with gospel freedom. More often than not,... Continue Reading
Music as Idolatry
Regulating Worship for Weight and Majesty
For many, the worship wars are long over and entertainment music, center stage with all its obligatory paraphernalia, won. Before complete surrender, however, we would do well to hear practical ways the Reformers employed music in worship. Luther agreed with Calvin about the power of music: “We know by experience that music has a secret... Continue Reading
“I Shall Not Be Shaken”
How God Removes Our Greatest Fears
If we know ourselves to be God’s, and God to be ours, then such knowledge is remarkably stabilizing. It doesn’t mean that we will not walk through measures of pain or defeat, but it does mean that we are assured a final victory. It doesn’t mean we take every battle, but it does mean that... Continue Reading
Subversive Habits and Your Primary Story
We need today to incorporate into general spiritual disciplines a counter-formative element, something deliberately intended to subvert the lesser stories we are tempted to live by.
Understanding “subversive habits” starts with the recognition that we are habitual people. Every day, we engage in habits and practices that either increase or decrease the position of the Scriptural Story in our hearts. Here is the question we must ask: What practices or habits would have the effect of lifting up the Scriptural Story... Continue Reading
Desire for Approval
We all want it.
Sometimes we dig, meditate, intensify our spiritual disciplines, get help from others, and the Spirit uses these to change us. Sometimes a phrase or a comment arrests us, and we are changed. The other thing that stands out is that change often comes when the Spirit renews old teachings. My wife and I were... Continue Reading
What Is Salvation?
God rescued us in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
To be saved means to be rescued. De-theologizing that the word salvation for a moment may help us here to answer the question. We need rescue. We are in dire straights and without rescue, we will be lost. What sort of rescue do we need and what does it mean to be lost? What... Continue Reading
Content in His Providence
Paul understood that he was fulfilling the purpose of God whether he was experiencing abundance or abasement.
Paul was content because he knew his condition was ordained by his Creator. He understood that God brought both pleasure and pain into his life for a good purpose (Rom. 8:28). Paul knew that since the Lord wisely ordered his life, he could find strength in the Lord for any and all circumstances. Blaise... Continue Reading
Waiting for God Alone
How desperation teaches us to trust.
David didn’t seem to be feeling like his faith was growing stronger. He was feeling weak and vulnerable and fragile. He felt like an old stone wall, bowing out and ready to crumble. He felt like a rickety old fence that could easily topple over. This is how we often feel when we are learning to... Continue Reading
The Church’s Internal Rescue Mission: Jude 22–23
Jude’s final command is “to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.”
Just as Peter graphically described returning to sin as a dog eating its vomit and a pig wallowing in mire (2 Pet 2:22), Jude likewise shows us the ugliness of sin as excremental filth on our inner clothing. When showing mercy to those affected by false teaching, or even to the false teachers themselves, we... Continue Reading
Biblical Building-Blocks for Sexual Purity
What does it look like to express yourself sexually in an appropriate, self-controlled way?
When God expects something of Christians, he provides what they need to meet his expectation. There’s an important implication, and it’s this: If you are not exhibiting sexual self-control, it’s only because you haven’t taken hold of what God offers you through the gospel. The power is there; you’ve just refused to exercise it. ... Continue Reading