God’s Love For The Unlovable
It is our sinfulness that puts God’s unmerited love into proper perspective and context (Luke 5:8).
In Romans 5:8, the apostle Paul writes, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Two verses earlier, in Romans 5:6, he states, “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” The significance of those texts is that... Continue Reading
How Jesus Fulfilled the Passover
You must look on the Lamb who was pierced for you, and embrace him by faith as your only protection from God’s wrath.
God spares Israel’s sons, not because they are better than Egypt’s sons, but because a spotless lamb dies in their place and its blood covers their door. Salvation through substitution. And, according to New Testament, the message of Passover is also the message of Good Friday. This year the Jewish celebration of Passover will begin... Continue Reading
The Glory of Man and the Glory of God
Man wanted to build a city for himself, to build his own kingdom, to make a name for himself, not for God.
We’ve been called to have dominion over the earth to the glory of God, but we want dominion for the glory of man. That’s what was going on at Babel—a distortion, an evil twisting of the legitimate task that God had given mankind. There’s nothing wrong with building. There’s nothing wrong with sowing and reaping.... Continue Reading
Developing a Reformation Mindset
The call of every pastor and every serious believer is to pray for and work toward reformation.
Proper reformation mentality is never devoid of genuine compassion for spiritually lost people. It is not enough to straighten out ignorant believers and confront religious hypocrites. The pastor bent on reformation must also see the fields white unto harvest. He must cultivate a love for sinners that is reflective of our Lord’s own heart. ... Continue Reading
Yet I Will Rejoice in the Lord
We must be sure to remember God is working throughout his kingdom and his people.
We can get so discouraged by the evil around us. We dwell on the hypocrisy, the greed, the sin, and forget to turn our eyes to the ways God is redeeming and making creation new. But he is working. Despite the sorrows we see, he is sanctifying and working his redemption in churches across the... Continue Reading
Revelation Is a Fifth Gospel in Which Jesus Fully Reveals Himself
The ascendant Christ revealed.
What makes Revelation unique is that Jesus no longer keeps his messiahship a secret. The hidden has become manifest. He is the ascendant Lord. And to his churches, he reveals himself in his full splendour. Consider a few points to explain this idea further. Most of us read the four Gospel books to hear... Continue Reading
The Hate That God Hates
Some hate is actively encouraged by God.
Hate, like love, cannot be judged in the abstract. Love is only virtuous if its object of its love is worthy. Hatred is only evil if its object is something God loves. God does not hate all hate. Some hate is actively encouraged by God. Indeed, if hate exists as the opposite of love,... Continue Reading
Building a Culture of Evangelism Takes Time, So Be Patient and Get to Work
It takes time for to grow a culture of evangelism.
As a general rule, the best evangelistic programs (1) facilitate relationship building between church members and unbelievers; (2) emerge from the ground-up, rather than imposed by the leadership from the top-down. Evangelism isn’t just for the “professionals”—pastors, ministers, Bible teachers, and all the rest. Instead, the New Testament teaches that evangelism is the whole... Continue Reading
Should Churches Really Do “Ghost Town” Worship?
Protecting the corporate nature of public worship.
The corporate worship of God is a special, public “gathering” or “assembly” (see Gen. 4:26) of God’s people, called out from the world to gather before the throne of grace. Here the special means of grace are given by God in the Word and Sacraments, and overseen by called upon elders. This activity is the... Continue Reading
A Pandemic of Prayer
Crying out to God.
The word pandemic has Greek origins. Pan means all. Its form is found in Ephesians where Paul expresses the scope of our prayer: “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Eph. 6:18, ESV). Be anxious... Continue Reading