It Pays To Hold Your Nerve in the Transgender Debate
People are starting to take a reality check.
It pays to hold your nerve when the rest of the culture is losing theirs. Not just for your own sake. But for the sake of those who risk becoming a byword for the (hopefully) brief period of madness that overlook a declining Western culture at the start of the 21st century. It pays... Continue Reading
Why Do We Live in a Sinful World?
Will we remain in sin in Adam, or will we escape and overcome it in and through placing our faith in Christ?
Man’s fall into sin brings bad news, but the gospel announces good news. While Adam and Eve failed under temptation, Jesus endured and overcame temptation (Matt. 4:1–11). Though we have misery through Adam, we have life through Christ. This lesson paves the way for examining sin and its effects and for seeing the majesty of... Continue Reading
What Does Tribulation Mean in Revelation 1–3?
The suffering of one Christian is the suffering of another because all are in Christ.
Since the Book of Revelation speaks of all sorts of fiery trials or events, it is worth pausing to see how John (and Jesus) speak of tribulation in Revelations 1–3 to get a sense of what the word means. (I will leave the question of tribulational timing for another time.) The word tribulation has... Continue Reading
Does God Hate Sinners?
Could a God of love hate people?
While a distinction between sinner and sin is a handy one for protecting the individual from God’s hatred, it simply cannot bear up under the weight of Scriptural evidence which has God showing hatred, or wrath, resting on individuals. Jesus condemns people as workers of iniquity (Lk 13:27), and will take personal vengeance on those... Continue Reading
Hands Outstretched
Where did this practice originate?
There is biblical precedent for congregants holding forth their hands when the benediction is pronounced. For instance, in Nehemiah 8:6, we read, “Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people answered, “Amen, Amen,” lifting up their hands. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.”... Continue Reading
Renewing Theological Anthropology
“What is man?” the psalmist asks.
Though the Christian tradition does not present a unified voice on what it means to be human, it nevertheless contains a substantial body of theological reflection on anthropology that exhibits striking family resemblances across many centuries and many theological traditions. The church did not begin thinking about anthropology at the turn of the third millennium.... Continue Reading
Christ Came to Fulfill the Law
The Gospel has been whitewashed and morphed into a sales pitch attempting to get people to join a church body or “try Jesus” so He can make their life better.
This new covenant abolished the part of the Law dealing with ceremony and sacrifice, but it did not do away with the part of the Law that reveals God’s standard of Righteousness for it is by this Law becoming apparent to our hearts contrasted with our utter lack of righteousness that God uses to draw... Continue Reading
The Power to Form, the Power to Delight
My Life with Paradise Lost
I have long told my students that virtually everything that Milton wrote can be read devotionally. The images that Milton places before us in Paradise Lost fall into the same categories as we find in the Bible—examples of moral and spiritual evil to avoid and images of good to emulate. The effect in my life... Continue Reading
The Unfruitful Works of Darkness vs. the Fruit of Light
Spiritual fruit is automatic in the Christian.
Unfruitfulness is part of the nature of the unbeliever, especially those who think they are Christians, but are only deceived. These are the ones who wreak havoc in the visible church with their unfruitful works of darkness. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of... Continue Reading
What Are You Afraid Of?
What we’re most afraid of losing tells us who or what we worship, where we place our trust.
We worship most what we fear most. So, for some right now, the fear of catching covid-19 dominates the headlines. People don’t worship a virus, of course, but many do worship health—physical and mental well-being. Fear is an index of the object of our worship, the one ultimately in whom we place our trust. ... Continue Reading