Let Discouragement Lead You Home
How do you live with discouragement? You allow it to do the work God intended it to do.
We are responsible for our sin, and God is completely sovereign. We cannot deny either of these truths if we wish to remain biblical. If you are God’s child, and he has brought you to a low point, he’s doing it because he loves you. There is something he wants to do with this discouragement in... Continue Reading
Keeping Our Cool Till the End of the World: How the Signs of the Times Produce Peace and Protect from Panic
In the midst of calamity, how are we to keep our cool till the end of the world, fulfilling our ministries and our highest calling, to glorify the Lord?
Rather, watching carefully for the true signs of the imminence of the Lord’s Return, we will keep on keeping on. We will faithfully take our nourishment as we journey through the wilderness of this present evil age (Revelation 12:14). We will resolutely abide in the Vine (John 15:4-5). We will diligently follow the Lamb wherever... Continue Reading
A Creedal Crescendo—Suffered Under Pontius Pilate
Why are we told not just that Jesus suffered but that He suffered at the hand of this Roman governor?
Pilate served as a civil judge. The Jews were accusing Jesus of all sorts of things, from blasphemy to treason. In his judicial capacity, Pilate examined Jesus and made this declaration: “I find no fault in Him” (John 19:6). In legal proceedings, Jesus was declared “not guilty” and would be sentenced to death as an... Continue Reading
8 Ways to Redeem the Time in This Season of Isolation
Making the best use of our time is something that is on a lot of our minds these days.
Redeem the time, dear believer. See this troubling pandemic and season of isolation as more than just a burden. View it as a God-ordained opportunity to grow in Christ and to serve your neighbor. View it as a time to “walk as children of light.” The apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Ephesians,... Continue Reading
How To Make the Most of Lockdown
Tips from Christians in Italy
Guard your mind and your time. It’s too easy to visit every major news site throughout the day when you should be working. It takes discipline to stay focused on what really needs to be done. A year ago, or even a month ago, I wouldn’t have believed I’d ever be facing the possibility,... Continue Reading
The Misuse of Exodus 21:22–25 by Pro-Choice Advocates
The text really supports the worth and rights of the unborn.
This passage of Scripture is part of a list of laws about fighting and quarreling. It pictures a situation in which two men are fighting and the wife of one of them intervenes to make peace. She is struck, and the blow results in a miscarriage or pre-mature birth. Pro-choice reasoning assumes that a miscarriage... Continue Reading
The Ordo Salutis: Repentance
The mark of true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If the entire life of the Christian is summarized as repentance, then it stands to reason that we need to know what this thing called “repentance” is and how it is that we can and should do it. It summarizes all that John the Baptist, Jesus and Jesus’ apostles preached (Mt. 3:2; 4:17; Mk.... Continue Reading
We Are Not Germs
The Case for Human Dignity
If our human dignity is given by God and that is recognized by our culture, then we have fundamental human rights that inform how we treat other people under the law and even one on one at the personal level. Several years ago, the mother of a college student came to me wringing her... Continue Reading
The Ordo Salutis: Regeneration
The word is the instrumental cause of regeneration.
The act of regeneration is not a drawing out of man something which was always lying within man, dormant, falling short of its potential. No. Regeneration puts life, the divine life, within each elect soul, who were spiritually dead. And this life, which comes from outside of man, is Christ’s own eternal life. Perhaps... Continue Reading
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
The unprecedented coincidence of our times is that of the plastic, psychological notion of the self and the liquidity, or instability, of our traditional institutions.
The church today is moving to the margins of society. Society increasingly regards her beliefs as buffoonish and her ethical norms as immoral. And the requirements of loyal citizenship are beginning to be antithetical to the requirements of Christian witness. Historians are the great relativizers of the present. When someone declares that the times... Continue Reading