Fear of Being Alone
No matter where we go we will find Him there and realize that He has been with us each step of the way.
When Jesus was talking with His disciples shortly before He died, He told them that His Father would send the Holy Spirit, who would not only dwell with them but be in them (John 14:17). With the Holy Spirit living inside us, the reality is that we are never, ever alone. Does that mean we... Continue Reading
Context Matters: Taste and See That the Lord is Good
The goodness of the Lord is just as available to us as it was to King David.
David wrote “taste and see” in the middle of this psalm for a reason. David experienced the Lord’s goodness with his senses, in real life. God’s nearness, his deliverance, his salvation, his redemption, his hearing and answering—and consequently David’s crying out, looking to God, seeking God, and taking refuge in him—were just as real as... Continue Reading
Humility Begins with Listening
How to welcome the words of God.
The prideful rejected God’s word, and laughed and mocked the king’s messengers to scorn. But others welcomed the divine word and humbled themselves. The same is true today: the proud resist what God has commanded, while the humble gladly submit to whatever he says. Humility doesn’t come from self-help. Any do-it-yourself “humility,” rooted in... Continue Reading
Who Are the 144,000 in Revelation?
The two visions alternate between John “hearing” and then “seeing.”
These correspondences at least suggest that Revelation 7 advances the messianic army motif that Revelation 5 had begun. If so, then Revelation 7 parallels the Lion and Lamb vision of Revelation 5:5–6. In that earlier vision, John hears about the Lion of Judah but actually sees the Lamb slain. The point is that the conquering... Continue Reading
A Pandemic in the Hand of God
What, then, can illness do to us if it is under the providence of God? It can afflict, but not crush.
Sickness, sovereignly wielded like a scalpel in the hand of our good God, can only heal us. For all things work together for those that love Him (Rom. 8:28), and disease certainly does not fall outside the category of “all things.” By it, He weans us from the passing treasure of this world, and He... Continue Reading
The Beatitudes, the Essence of a Genuine Disciple
Christlikeness is developed in Christ’s disciples as they grow in each developmental stage of these beatitudes.
The Church, the body of Christ should be made up of His disciples. Of course, within the visible Church there are two groups, Jesus Disciples and those who are not Christians, but appear to be or claim to be. The Beatitudes are nine statements from Jesus giving the attributes of His genuine disciples. Those who are... Continue Reading
Fear of Not Being a Christian
Our grasp of God is not what secures us.
Is your faith waning today? Do you feel as if you are losing your grip on the incredible promises of His Word? Are you thinking that you must certainly be lost because your faith has once again fallen to sin? Then learn one more time to give up your prideful desire to be the one... Continue Reading
God is Sovereign, Life is Hard (Psalm 90)
Let this crisis lead you to number your days. Let this crisis lead you to a heart of wisdom.
Only when we realize that our lives are brief will we begin to adopt the right attitude, valuing God and living for the things that truly matter. Don’t miss the perspective that a brush with COVID-19 can give you: if you handle this moment well, you will gain a heart of wisdom. You will die, like... Continue Reading
Receive the Holy Spirit
The Spirit is also given to us so that, with him dwelling in us, we are able to have fellowship with one another.
The Holy Spirit is given to us so that, with him dwelling in us, we are able to fellowship with the Father and the Son. The Spirit’s primary work is to show us the unique glory the Father receives from the Son and the Son from the Father in the plan of salvation (John 17:1–5).... Continue Reading
Pressure and Shame from the Increasing Paradox Surrounding our Bodies
We are to glorify God with our bodies, not glorify our bodies.
When we abuse our bodies with food or drink, we are focused on temporary pleasure and not considering the long-term implications to our bodies. But when we adore our bodies, we are also focused on the temporary. Our earthly bodies are not going to last us forever. We can exercise and eat clean, but we... Continue Reading