Thoughts on Psalm 133
This Psalm obviously expresses a desire and praise for unity with the people of God.
I can remember the hot days of summer in Texas when a hose in the face felt incredible! Verse 3 gives a similar illustration. Hermon is a mountain to the north of Jerusalem that rises to about 9000 feet and is known for its lushness. It would be covered with snow and dew all year... Continue Reading
The Ordo Salutis: Adoption
Previously we were his enemies and orphans, and now we are adopted by God.
We were dead to the things of God, and then suddenly he made us spiritually alive. Upon hearing the gospel message, we became aware that we were sinners and needed a savior. And then the empty hand of faith, a gift in itself from God, reached out to Christ, trusting in what he has done... Continue Reading
A Creedal Crescendo – Crucified
Jesus went to the cross as the sacrifice to deal with sin’s debt.
Christ’s saving work is testimony to the Father’s love and wisdom. In answer to the question, “Who killed Jesus?,” the ultimate answer is not Judas who betrayed Him, not the Jews who conspired against Him, not the mob that chose Barabbas over Jesus for release, not Pilate who gave Him in His innocence over to... Continue Reading
Thoughts on Psalm 27
Even if the worst this world has to throw at us comes upon us, the Lord is with us and, in the end, he will provide for every one of our needs.
We have been isolated in such a way that we may feel abandoned by the closest to us. We have so much trouble and uncertainty at this moment that we are probably all being attacked by various fears that come in all shapes and sizes. Life seems to be falling apart around us. And yet,... Continue Reading
Clip the Wings of Wisdom
The Spirit must do His work or there is no salvation.
Many hear the gospel, but only those who whom the Father gives to Jesus will come and believe. No one else will. All given to Jesus by the Father come to Jesus. They will never be cast out. The will of the Father is that Jesus will lose none whom were sent to Him. Then... Continue Reading
How Are You Walking?
I pray that as followers of Jesus we are leading others to walk in the fear of the Lord.
Jeroboam’s decisions as a leader affected the eternity of an entire nation. Rather than serving and worshiping the Lord, he led others to worship gods of his own making. He walked down a path of false worship and destruction and the people walked in his ways. Following his example propelled them into deep sin. If others... Continue Reading
Jewish Feasts and Festivals
Paul understood that these festivals were a shadow of Christ (Col. 2:16–17).
Those in Christ are merely “sojourners” and “resident aliens” traveling in this fallen world until they reach their final homeland (1 Peter 1:4; 2:11). Zechariah 14:16–21 depicts the return of Christ as the time when the international people of God will gather at Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Booths. This final festival anticipates the... Continue Reading
Should We Live Stream The Lord’s Supper?
For now, we are not called to feast but to fast.
The Lord’s Supper is one of the greatest blessings that Jesus Christ has given his church. Our inability to celebrate the Lord’s Supper for a season can only be, should only be, cause for sorrow and tears. For now, we are not able to celebrate this remembrance of the Lord by “tasting” and “seeing” his... Continue Reading
What Are The Theological Questions Involved In Our New Normal?
It pays to think through just what we're doing and why.
Our view of just what the church is will impact how we respond to not being able to meet. If you think of the church principally as your building, then this time is going to much more trying than for those who are inclined to say church is your people. But, even if we do... Continue Reading
Your Church is Triumphant
On earth we are perpetually in combat as the church militant but our certain future is to be translated to the church made perfect, glorious and victorious in heaven with our Savior.
How comforting to us—in this present crisis or any other one that comes along—to know that we are sealed in Christ and washed in His blood so that we can fight faithfully as long as we live on this earth. We fight in the sure knowledge that as soon as we have finished our work,... Continue Reading