Deaths Delayed
At some point the COVID-19 crisis will be over, and the question for Christians will be simple: “What should we learn from this?”
One thing seems obvious: The levels of general panic indicate that few of us have been properly prepared for the reality of our own mortality. As a friend pointed out to me recently, when Jesus references the tower at Siloam and the murder of Jews by Pilate (Luke 13), he precludes a simplistic connection between... Continue Reading
Shifting Sands
As the normal foundations of our lives are dissolving like shifting sands, Christians say, with the hymn: “On Christ the solid rock I stand: all other ground is sinking sand.”
The goal of God’s creation and his act of forgiveness is to bring fallen humans to worship him as Creator and Redeemer, so that they bless him forever, as the text says (Rom 1:25) and are finally united with him in a new heavens and earth that he is preparing for them. All human thought... Continue Reading
C.S. Lewis and the War against Coronavirus
This particular battle is both a test of our faith and an opportunity for us to live and proclaim it.
We tend to think this situation is new. And in one sense it is – because we personally have not experienced this before. But our experience is not the determiner of reality. Lewis reminds us that human life has always been lived on the edge of a precipice and that “human culture has always had... Continue Reading
The Shire and Pestilence: A Fairytale
They never lived happily ever after.
A great pestilence spread through the Shire, infecting one person in every three. Life in the Shire was thrown into chaos so that even Aravice’s great wealth was threatened. A few people recalled the prophecy of Sir Estia, and a few others began to wish that Sir Cata and Sir Veta were once more guardians... Continue Reading
Why “Virtual Lord’s Supper” Is Impossible
Some things technology cannot accomplish.
Since physical togetherness is inherently part of what the Lord’s Supper is meant to communicate, I believe it would be a mistake to try to “replicate” the Table virtually through technological means. In fact, you can’t. You can eat and drink; you may even be able to proclaim the Lord’s death. But you can’t have... Continue Reading
Sola Scriptura
Only Scripture bears the marks of necessity, sufficiency, ultimate authority, and clarity in all matters pertaining to salvation.
The whole history of the Protestant church—seen in the hundreds of confessions and catechisms produced by Lutherans and the Reformed alike—witnesses to the power and usefulness of Scripture and calls churches to be reformed according to the Scriptures. In 1546, the Council of Trent, a Roman Catholic gathering that met soon after Martin Luther’s... Continue Reading
Questioning the Survey
Barna Group’s latest research on faith and culture lacks precision.
Barna’s State of the Church 2020 study highlights five trends “essential in understanding the Church’s place in the U.S. today.” It offers little new or noteworthy: Barna concluded that many Christians “church hop,” that church membership is common but declining among younger churchgoers, and that many non-Christians believe church to be irrelevant. The research... Continue Reading
Enjoying the Persons of the Trinity
The more we discover of God, the more we delight.
Deep thoughts of God matter. They ignite worship and prayer in the soul; they strengthen us in trials and suffering. The Puritans understood this well. Though not perfect, the Puritans understood that enjoyed doctrine protects the heart from the treason of sin. Put most bluntly, the Puritans understood that without rich and robust theology savored... Continue Reading
God is Holy and His Purpose For Us is that We Walk in Holiness
It is vital that believers become spirit-filled by saturating their lives with the Word of God and being obedient to it.
All genuine Christians have believed on Christ because they realized He was the holy Lamb who was the sacrifice for them as born sinners and the sins they commit. However, they also must continue their Christian walk according to that knowledge of His holiness. As they have received Christ Jesus the Lord, they do walk... Continue Reading
Boldness and Clarity as a Light to the World
In order to live with boldness and clarity as a light to the world, we have to love our neighbor sacrificially and live our lives with gospel transparency.
Many criticize faithful confessional churches and their pastors and elders, embarrassed that they do not prostrate themselves to the twin idols of today’s culture: sexual orientation (the belief that your sexual desire encompasses who you really, ontologically, are) and intersectionality (the belief that who you really are is measured by how many victim statuses you... Continue Reading