What Children Need Most in a Pandemic, and Always
We have an opportunity right now to give our children the solid, nutritious, life-giving truth of God’s Word.
Monumental realities from God’s Word provide us and our children with unshakable hope at a time when the whole world seems to be shaking. When it may seem to our children that this virus is out of control, let’s make sure they understand that ‘the Lord has established his throne in the heavens and his... Continue Reading
The Danger of Trying to Explain COVID-19
Rather than trying to explain our suffering, let us give thanks that God brings good out of bad.
We look and see this good God has wrought, and in an effort to give testimony about what He has done, we say something like, “At the time I didn’t understand why we all went through this, but now I see clearly what God was doing.” It’s a noble attempt, and it certainly has the... Continue Reading
Are You Weary in Doing Good?
Look for those opportunities to be faithful to God and do good to others – and do them – even when you do not want to do so in the flesh.
Friends, are you tired? Possibly. Is this wearisome? Maybe for all of us. But will you be better off if you do good? Absolutely. Will God bless your faithfulness if you will just do good? Yes, He promises. Is God trustworthy? Of course. Therefore, when you are tired, continue to do good! Are you feeling it yet? There’s a... Continue Reading
How Talia’s Disabled Daughter Taught Her About the Love of God
God loved us enough to go through the sacrifice & suffering. John writes “for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son…”
Growing up in a Christian home, I’ve always known that God loves me regardless of my own response to him. However, loving Georgia, despite the fact that she doesn’t outwardly display any love back (and may never) – that has given me a deeper understanding of how deep God’s love really is. This concept led me... Continue Reading
What Is God’s Ultimate Answer to Our Problem? (Luke 24:13–35)
Move beyond not understanding to understanding the storyline of Scripture, to gaining spiritual eyesight so you can see.
Today is the day you can get clarity on the story of the Bible, a unified story that includes you. It’s the story of God, the world, and God’s answer to the human predicament. If you understand this story, you will understand who you are and how to live. It will give your life hope... Continue Reading
What Is Practical?
We must greatly broaden our view of what is practical. It must fit the entire content of the Bible, or it is too narrow.
Let’s take the hardest kind of literature in the Bible imaginable, in terms of its practicality, the genealogy. How in the world does one read 1 Chronicles 1-9, for example? It is chock full of names, many of which we don’t see in Scripture in other places. Genealogies do several things. Firstly, they provide continuity... Continue Reading
God Is in Control – Even Now.
God has a plan. God is in control. Because of both (even in the midst of a pandemic), you can trust Him.
God is in control. Yes, we would all love to know when Jesus is going to come back; however, only God knows when He will come. Our responsibility is to faithfully serve God as those in Christ until He does come back. What a glorious promise to consider. As we look forward to celebrating... Continue Reading
Coronavirus19—What’s It for?
What do Creed-reciting Christians have to say about the plague?
Whatever purpose plagues played in the O.T., we should hold to the fact that now the people of God are no longer ‘slaves’ but ‘sons’ (Gal. 4.3), Jesus taught that evils act as ‘reminders’ or as warnings of human mortality and weakness and need, and of the personal accountability before God of each of us.... Continue Reading
For, Not To
God's Word was written for you, but it was not written to you.
While the Bible is perfectly designed to be our guide for faith and life, we were not the original audience. And reading it as if we were is simplistic and dangerous. Learning this one, simple truth will both unlock the depths of God’s Word while also guarding us from bad interpretation. When people becomes... Continue Reading
5 Post-Lockdown Regrets
Some will look back on lockdown with a deep sense of regret at having missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow closer to God.
As I spoke with a good friend yesterday, we were pondering how lockdown does not create new spiritual or emotional issues for us. It is the kind of pressure that merely reveals issues more blatantly. So now is a good time to anticipate how we will feel coming out of lockdown. Why? Because now we... Continue Reading