What Does Jesus’ Death Have To Do With Me?
What if the defining moment of your life is actually someone else’s death?
Turns out humans separated from God are not the super-beings we would like to be. Curved in on ourselves we become black holes of selfishness, draining the life from everything around us as we ourselves have lost God’s life within us. The symbol of Christianity is a cross. It may look shiny and perfectly... Continue Reading
Reopening The Nation Is Now Necessary To Save Lives
We are used to the illusion that we can control everything in comfort.
Those who advocate for earlier business re-opening are often accused of devaluing human life. Yet, on April 16, the United Nations warned that the economic downturn would cause tens of millions to fall into extreme poverty and that hundreds of thousands of children could die. “First, do no harm.” It’s a saying almost as... Continue Reading
5 Helpful Things to Do to Kill Envy in Our Hearts
Chief among those sins that we tend to tolerate in our lives are covetousness, jealousy and envy.
At the root of covetousness, jealousy, and envy is pride. Pride lay at the root of our first parents’ sin, and it continues to be the root of all of our sin. When we feel as though we deserve better, we think what we want, say what we want, take what we want, and do... Continue Reading
Does God Hate People?
Even God’s wrath underscores the bounty of divine love.
Of all people, it may be of some interest to see how John Calvin (1509–1564) answered this question because he, in the minds of many, was a theologian of God’s wrath. While he certainly emphasized divine wrath, he (against some modern expectations) prioritized God’s love for humanity before wrath—indeed, for Calvin, passages about God’s wrath... Continue Reading
Elizabeth Barrows Ussher—Caring for All During the Armenian Resistance
"She showed forth the Christ within her.”
Grace H. Knapp, another missionary at Van, wrote about her friend: “Mrs. Ussher literally laid down her life—not for her friends in the earthly sense of that word—but for members of the race that shortly before had threatened her, and all those that she loved, with a merciless death. In 1915, the buildings belonging... Continue Reading
The Meaning of the Rainbow
God keeps His promises.
As a reminder of this promise—a ‘sign of the covenant’ (Gen 9.12), God put a rainbow in the sky. We don’t know if this was the first time a rainbow had ever appeared in the sky or not, but it doesn’t really matter. God usually took things that already existed to be covenant signs, filling... Continue Reading
What Hath Nebuchadnezzar To Do With Trump?
Urging Christians to give spiritual reflection and repentance, if needed, during our current crisis and to encourage Christians to pray for our president and the good of our country.
We are right to be concerned about the devastating effects of Covid-19, both physically and economically, but maybe, right there, at that point of great anxiety an idolatry is exposed. Give us a king who can open again the doors of our economy, instead of, “O Lord, would you open again to us the doors... Continue Reading
How to Cope with Life’s Frustrations
What is so special about Ecclesiastes that someone of the stature of Martin Luther would make a strong recommendation that it be read daily?
The overarching intent of this wisdom book from the Old Testament is to provide some wisdom and insight on how to cope with the inevitable frustrations of this life. This means that what Qoheleth is teaching us is not the musings of some “motivational” speaker, nor is it the “take-it-or-leave-it” advice of some psychologist or... Continue Reading
How the Kingdom Arrives in Matthew’s Gospel
Jesus brings the kingdom of heaven to earth by the way of exile, scorn, and death.
Without seeing Jesus’s path to the throne, readers will miss the nature of this king and kingdom. Rather than conquering the kingdoms of the earth with the sword, Jesus submits himself to exile and scorn. He becomes a servant and the sacrifice as the humble-servant-king who saves his people by not sending them into battle,... Continue Reading
COVID-19 and Christian Hope
Suffering leads to a hope that transcends our current circumstances and releases the love of God into our lives.
Romans 5:3 says we should “exult in our tribulation.” Why? Because, as Paul continues, “tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” I’m not praying... Continue Reading