Five Ways Worry Can Be Helpful
The solution to worry is not becoming laid-back.
The Christian life is one of complete engagement, not disengagement. In the same book where Paul talks about not being anxious for anything (Philippians 4:6), he also says, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12-13), and “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me”... Continue Reading
The Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy
An allergy to theological precision has left many of the heirs of both liberalism and fundamentalism barren of theological boundaries.
Progressives in the Presbyterian church (generally centered in the Presbytery of New York), while calling themselves “evangelical,” expressed growing resistance to doctrinal precision. Particular theories such as the substitutionary atonement of Christ, they argued, failed to exhaust the mysteries of divine revelation, which could not be reduced to tidy theological systems. Three provocative actions by... Continue Reading
Sanctification in Christ—the Rest of Your Story
You can be confident about your spiritual growth in Christ, because God is in control.
Sanctification is a slow process of dying to the flesh (mortification) and living unto God (vivification). Just as it is impossible to know exactly what a tree seedling is going to look like in ten years, it can be frustrating to attempt to evaluate a person’s growth in Christ over the short term. The... Continue Reading
The Bad News of John 3:16
The good news of God’s love broadcast in John 3:16 cannot be fully appreciated apart from the bad news represented in the word perish.
Unlike with the Coronavirus, when it comes to sin’s infection there is no vaccine against its contagion. All are born sinners, and find themselves alienated from God and objects of His wrath (Eph. 2:3). Nor can people develop immunity to it. In fact, the Scriptures describe them as already dead in sin (Eph. 2:4). ... Continue Reading
8 Ways Temptation Actually Works for Our Good
God has promised to work all things for our good—even temptation.
Temptation makes us long for the place where all temptations have ceased. We know that in this life we will face unending waves of temptation, but in the life to come, we will be free! Temptation is a universal experience. If Jesus himself did not escape it, we can be certain that we will... Continue Reading
Is Worry a Sin?
Our tendency to worry strikes at the very heart of what we worship, treasure, and adore.
Worry is often a combination of sin and suffering. It is important to understand what we mean by each. When you hear the word “sin,” it probably evokes images of high-handed disobedience. But sin is much more subtle than that. Sin is often a quiet, micro-moment when we shift our loyalty from God to something... Continue Reading
Grace in Glory
The prospect of grace in the future transforms how we cope with the present.
Writing at a time when the church found itself in extremis—when Christians were tempted to look only at their immediate circumstances—Peter issues a strong exhortation. He says, ‘Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ’... Continue Reading
When Everything Is Not Obvious
It only takes fives minutes on Twitter to realize that the best way forward is not patently obvious.
Let’s be mindful of what we truly know and of all the things we don’t really know. Along the same lines, let’s pray for our leaders to be men and women of wisdom and courage who want to do the right thing and the best thing no matter what it is and no matter who... Continue Reading
The Difference Christianity Makes
It often makes the difference between life and death.
This dedication to care for people in the face of danger has been common during the coronavirus pandemic. So common, it appears normal. But it’s not. In fact, the reactions we’ve seen to the coronavirus are the complete opposite of cultural attitudes toward disease and health care before Christianity began to spread around the world.... Continue Reading
Man is the Measure of All Things: The Scale of the Pandemic and Everything Else
The Son of Man is the true measure of all things.
We would do well to remember that when the infinite, eternal, and unchangeable God entered the world, he did so on a human scale. The cross upon which Christ died, and tomb in which he was laid, and from which he was raised, were both according to the measurement of a human being. The chair... Continue Reading