A Method for Self-Examination
The more we know God through His Word, the more we truly know ourselves.
Given that no one, by nature, likes to have their life laid open to someone else’s scrutiny, what gave David the courage and the confidence to allow himself to be scrutinized by God in this way? The only answer can be that in the midst of the glory of God to which he had been... Continue Reading
Christian Nurse Who Lost Job Over Cross Necklace Wins Lawsuit
It was astonishing that an experienced nurse, during a pandemic, was forced to choose between her faith and the profession she loves.
The hospital alleged that the necklace presented a health risk and disciplined Onuoha by demoting her to non-clinical duties. After she was given a final warning for failing to remove the cross necklace, she resigned in 2020 and sued Croydon Health Services, alleging it had violated her freedom of religion. A Christian nurse who... Continue Reading
The Freedom of Death
Seeing the Blessings of the Life to Come
We are made perfect in holiness at death. It is a freeing mercy without compare. All the pleasures of this life are nothing to that moment when the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit is complete. It is not a selfish thing to desire that beautiful blessing which we have in Christ. We all experience the corruption... Continue Reading
Only Christ Is Enough
When is anything ever enough?
If you have a relationship with Christ, the righteousness of Christ, and will be called to life at the resurrection by Christ, it is enough. And if you have the resolve of Christ to live by his power to face whatever comes, it is enough. Don’t yearn for more when Christ is all you need.... Continue Reading
Law Opposed to Law
The Puritans, including Thomas Manton, saw grace in law and law in grace, all while maintaining a rigorously Christ-centered Gospel of free grace.
The Covenant of Grace is a “law of the spirit.” The Spirit of God has instituted this covenant and applies it to the lives of men and women who believe. Manton said that Christ himself speaks of covenant in terms of spirit and truth. He says, “Not only because of its spiritual nature, as it... Continue Reading
Song of Songs: The Intoxication of True Love in its Time
The chief audience for the Song of Songs is the virgin daughters of Jerusalem, who are addressed all throughout the book.
Church history is filled with the debates over whether to read this book as an allegory of God’s love for his people or as a literal picture of human marriage. Frankly, I’m not convinced we have to choose only one of those options. If it’s not about human marriage, then the metaphors of God’s relationship with his... Continue Reading
Fame Among the Faithless
Proximity to famous ministers of the gospel is of little benefit to the soul if the Christ who is proclaimed by the minister is not believed in.
Let us not be content to know of Elisha in these chapters of Scripture. Let us not be content to know of Christ and His glory in the Scripture. There are many in that great day who may say Lord Lord did not we know these famous prophets of old and He will tell them to depart from Him.... Continue Reading
Burnout and Vocation
So what are the solutions to vocational burnout?
A caution, though, is in order. Economic vocations can easily change, and sometimes people in one line of work, which they find frustrating, can be called to another line of work. Some vocations, though, such as the family callings and the calling of the Gospel, are permanent. Dealing with the COVID epidemic has been... Continue Reading
We Are Not Home Yet
As believers, we are called by God to train our minds and hearts to firmly latch onto the biblical teaching that we are passing through this world as pilgrims and strangers.
The eternally glorious Son of God was treated as a stranger among His own people (John 1:10–11). But He came to make us heirs of the world to come. He came to fulfill the hope of Abraham, Joseph, and Moses. He entered that state of sojourning to secure redemption for His people. He identifies with the... Continue Reading
The Vertical, Horizontal, and Inward Realities of Sin
Sin is never done in isolation. In fact, there are vertical, horizontal, and inward effects of it.
So sin is a lose (offends God), lose (hurts people), lose (hurts you). Nobody is perfect. But if we think more deeply about the multi-dimensional impact of sin, we’d be more eager to avail ourselves to the means of grace to grow in love for our Savior and hatred of our sin. Vertical (offends... Continue Reading
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