Why and How We Approach the Bible as God’s Word
Believing in the veracity of the Bible is profitable to the man of God because it informs and equips him in every part of his life.
The Christian faith is the sole and direct product of God’s word. He who made the whole world by the word of His power, is the one who awakens our spirit from death to life by the word of Christ. And faith comes by hearing the word of Christ. Therefore, by virtue of teaching and... Continue Reading
Christians Don’t Backslide Right Off
The grace that saves a person also sanctifies that person. The grace that regenerates also preserves.
The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) dedicates a whole chapter to the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. It affirms the biblical truth that those whom God saves, He keeps, not merely out of hell and for heaven, but He keeps them in the way of faith. He keeps them repenting, believing, and following... Continue Reading
Pastor, Give the People What They Need, Not What They Want
Christ’s sheep need His Word.
Preach the Word, in season and out of season. Submit yourself to the authority of the Scriptures in every manner and then demand no less from your hearers. Everything under the Sun must be brought into submission under the Word of God. Everything. We preachers are those tasked with handling the sacred truths of God, in... Continue Reading
Who Is the LORD? | Exodus 5
Success in evangelism is not measured by the response of the receiver but by the faithfulness of the herald. Moses and Aaron were faithful in their mission to proclaim God’s Word, even though we have already been told that Pharaoh would not listen.
Although our justification before God was completed entirely, once for all, upon the cross of Christ, our final deliverance from sin is just as much of a process as Israel’s exodus. We are being sanctified in Christ each day, so we need the gospel just as much today as we did whenever we first believed.... Continue Reading
The Man of God You Could Become
Six Steps Toward Spiritual Maturity
Finding, committing to, and throwing yourself into a gospel-preaching church is the best way to regularly expose yourself to the character of God, reminders of gospel motives for godliness, help in forming spiritually fruitful habits, godly models to follow, and opportunities to bear others’ burdens and build them up in love. Do you want... Continue Reading
When Pressing “Unfollow” is not an Option
Though the world is divided, Christians are called to interact with it in a different way. Instead of avoiding difficult people, we should pursue them with love.
When we are faced with unpleasant people or ideas and opinions that clash with our own, we have two options available to us. The first is, we can reflect the heart of the world by fighting and dividing. Christ will not be magnified by such an approach. The second, we can unite around the person... Continue Reading
Cactus Spines and Groaning
We have a God who is gracious and is moved by the groans of his people.
What is most incredible is that God enters into our groans with us. In the Garden of Getsemane, Jesus “was troubled” and prayed “in agony” to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt 26, Lk 22). On the cross, Jesus cries out David’s words in Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have you... Continue Reading
The Danger of Discontent
Discontent seeks to sour, as Watson suggests, the sweetness of all that God is and has chosen to give in our lives.
Discontent can easily lead to questioning the goodness of God internally and outright rebellion externally in seeking to manipulate cirucmstances to attain what we falsely believe we deserve. Instead, its is my prayer that we as Christians may be equiped by the Spirit to replenish the oil of gladness and contentment in the lampstands of... Continue Reading
Slavery to the Fear of Death
Jesus Christ did something about death in order to remove this fear.
If we continue to be enslaved by this fear, it isn’t for lack of concern on God’s part, nor for lack of effort or weakness of strategy. Freeing you from this fear was in His mind when Christ came to earth taking on humanity, living out the war against sin victoriously, dying triumphantly over its... Continue Reading
The Seat of Scoffers | Psalm 1:1
A scoffer is typically presented as a kind of fool, one who has rejected the wisdom of God entirely.
Before we pride ourselves in avoiding such scoffers in our lives, I would make the argument that too many Christians today gladly sit in scoffing seats as they consume various forms of entertainment. The sad reality is that much of the media that we consume is produced by those who very much openly scoff at... Continue Reading
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