The Spirit in Elisha’s Life: A Preview of Jesus Christ and the New Covenant
Elisha is an example of how, when we trust the one, true God, all of us can know and walk with him through the Holy Spirit because of who Jesus Christ is and what he has done.
Jesus Christ came as the Second Elisha, the ultimate Spirit-empowered prophet, and he succeeded in his conquest, making it possible for anyone who believed to experience new life through the Holy Spirit under the new covenant. Elisha’s life anticipated the life of Christ, and in doing so it also anticipates the Spirit-filled life all Christ-followers... Continue Reading
Why did God choose to write my name in His book of life?
Paul makes the point in Romans chapter 9 that God chose Jacob rather than Esau even before they were born and before they had done anything good or bad. According to Paul, He did this specifically to show that His saving of Jacob had nothing to do with anything Jacob or Esau did and was... Continue Reading
Believer, You Are A Romans 7:25 Christian
There are no other kinds of Christians but Romans 7:25 Christians. Any Christian who pretends to have reached perfection in this life is deluded and has redefined sin out of existence.
We are all Romans 7:25 Christians. There is no other kind of Christian. Any Christian who pretends to have reached perfection (complete sanctification) in this life is deluded and has redefined sin out of existence. Discouragement about one’s sanctification is a tool of the Evil One, who wants us to give up but we should not give... Continue Reading
Being the Answer to Prayer
There are few greater blessings than to see God use us as his answer.
Prayer is a serious business for in prayer we come before the King—we speak to God, commune with God, rely upon God. We submit our wills to God and entreat him for what he can grant, what he can provide, what he can accomplish. And though we come freely and confidently, we dare not approach... Continue Reading
We Will Answer for What We Watch
We have grown accustomed to what should shock us. We no longer see the sin in what we see. Are today’s pagan high places to be found on a screen?
Does the presence of sensuality, swearing, and violence make a piece of entertainment out of bounds for the Christian? That question can be complicated. But when a show has graphic nudity and graphic violence (all the time), we ought to ask the question of our hearts: why do we find this entertaining in the first... Continue Reading
Jesus Forbids Even Unintentional Lust (Matt. 5:27–28)
Jesus is saying that any sexual desire toward someone who is not our spouse is already the sin of adultery—adultery of the heart.
The beauty of repenting from our sinful desires is that we start to attack the corruption of concupiscence when it first rears its ugly head. We don’t give our sin a head-start until it brings us fully under its control, but we ask God to forgive us, and then to begin his work of putting... Continue Reading
A Critical Look at Critical Race Theory in America’s Classrooms
Radical activists who aim to keep critical race theory in schools want students to believe that America’s laws and cultural institutions are beyond repair.
The Heritage Foundation invited 13 scholars to contribute to “The Critical Classroom,” a volume that uncovers the often surreptitious application of critical race theory and analyzes the effects that such a biased theory has on teachers and students alike. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.) “The Critical Classroom” traces the origins... Continue Reading
Why Thomas Was Wrong to Doubt Jesus’ Resurrection
The problem was not a lack of evidence. The problem was his heart. He didn’t want to believe.
Thomas had been told by the other disciples that Jesus was raised, and until the end of time every human being stands in exactly the same place as Thomas at that first meeting. We, like Thomas, have heard the eyewitness testimony of Jesus’ disciples: “We have seen the Lord!” Thomas’s absence at that first encounter... Continue Reading
The Wicked Will Not Stand | Psalm 1:5
Since they did not set their hope upon Christ, they will be taken down into death everlasting.
Although we may lament the prosperity of the wicked, let us keep the day of judgment ever before our eyes. In Psalm 73, Asaph began to envy the wicked, who seem to have no trouble at all, yet when he went to the sanctuary of God, he was reminded anew that the LORD establishes the... Continue Reading
3 Characteristics of Childlike Faith
If we want to come to Jesus, then we must come with a childlike kind of faith.
As adults, our faith is often exercised with a sense of drudgery. That’s because we have accumulated a lifetime of disappointments and hurt feelings, of betrayals and pain. But the faith of a child is marked by a joyful kind of expectation. Children ask for something and then wait in excitement to see the response.... Continue Reading
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