Against “Religious Liberty”
Unless properly defined, “religious liberty” opens the door to relativism and anarchy.
Conservative Christians, however, got it in their heads for decades that politics was about property rights and school vouchers; and now that we have wholly lost the public sphere, we frantically hide behind the protective sheet of “religious liberty,” now reconceived as a sphere of private self-expression, not realizing that this protective sheet turns out... Continue Reading
I Knew It!
Do you ever wonder what your very first thought will be after you’ve fallen asleep in this world to awaken in the next?
Wouldn’t it make sense that when we have fought the good fight and finished the race and kept the faith, that we cross a kind of finish line and celebrate like an athlete? For in that moment we will know—we will know beyond all speculation, beyond all doubting, beyond all need for faith, that every... Continue Reading
Eschatological Living
How does this kingdom-centered mindset affect the way we live?
Eschatological living is life in union with Christ. Since Christ was the Spirit-filled last Adam (Luke 4:18; 1 Cor. 15:45), we who are joined to Him enjoy the same filling of the Spirit. Therefore, the moment we are united to Christ by Spirit-wrought faith (John 3:5), we are nothing less than Spirit-filled, Spirit-baptized, and Spirit-controlled. The Spirit’s... Continue Reading
“Contend for the Faith”: An Exposition of the Epistle of Jude (Part One)
When false teachers appear—and they will–they will deceptively seek to distort the gospel by turning the grace of God into a license to sin.
We live in a perilous age and false teachers will come into our midst. They will seek to steal your souls (after emptying your wallets). Do you know how to spot them? Can you contend against them? If not, its time to get started. In the words of Jude, brother of James and Jesus, “Beloved,... Continue Reading
Should Christians Use the Term “Eucharist” for the Lord’s Supper?
Jesus uses this word during his ministry at a very interesting point: during the miracle of feeding the four thousand in Mark 8.
At this meal, God came to eat with his people in the flesh. As Jesus fed the four thousand, he foreshadowed that coming day when we would all feast at the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:9). To eat at the end with God is the sign of ultimate blessing. Isaiah prophesied that at... Continue Reading
Prophets and Angels
The prophets were not alone in wondering when the promise of God would come to term in the giving of His Son. Even angels longed to look.
That day had come and Peter was witness to it. He saw the suffering of Christ and the glory of His resurrection. He encountered the risen Christ and proclaimed the good news of the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit poured out at Pentecost. Peter interpreted the events in light of the prophetic... Continue Reading
To the Impetuous and Impulsive
He takes the boldness, he takes the passion, he takes the zeal, and he directs it to his own precious purposes.
It is God’s pleasure to use us in his service just as he used Peter. And while he does shape and sanctify us, he does not destroy us along the way. The one who gives boldness to the timid gives patience to the impulsive. The one who gives courage to the person prone to inactivity... Continue Reading
Regular In-Person Church Attendance is Critical for Your Faith
It is a commitment that reveals your heart, gives you the opportunity to serve, and helps you grow in your faith.
Why does this matter so much? It is a concrete way of showing your commitment to the people in your spiritual family, and it shows that honouring God comes first among your many other priorities. It gives you consistency of Biblical input and the best opportunity to learn from God’s word. Regular church attendance leads... Continue Reading
Life is Beautiful
God is the master Sculptor, of course, doing the work that humans could never begin to accomplish on their own.
Humans are the only part of the physical world that can know love or truth or beauty. Humans are the only creatures that can use words and deeds to truly praise and worship their Creator—or reject and rebel against Him. Humans are the only creatures on earth that can sin, and they are the only... Continue Reading
Hebrews 5: God Spoke
As God speaks, so it comes to pass, because God is!
When God speaks to men He does so with power. Man may speak from a temporary place of power or authority but he has only limited ability to see it come to pass. When God speaks, he has no limitations, all comes to pass just as He said. There is power in the Word of God that... Continue Reading
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