The Temptation We Most Often Overlook
The Temptation of Godlessness
The deadliest temptation in a secular age, for the Christian and non-Christian alike, is the sidelining of God. The more we push God to the periphery, the more we take center stage. It’s our activity that matters. Our goals and aspirations. Our strategies. Our techniques. Our purposes. Our plans. We lose eternal perspective because the Eternal One... Continue Reading
Christian, No, You May not Marry that Roman Catholic (or any other Roman Catholic for that matter)
How can Christian marriage between a Roman Catholic and an evangelical be condoned if the two are not permitted to share together in the body and blood of their Savior? What sort of union in Christ is that?
No matter what a Roman Catholic’s verbal profession is, both the Roman communion and the Reformed church charge Roman Catholics not to partake of the Lord’s Supper in a Protestant church. On that, Rome and Westminster concur! (Code of Canon Law, Can. 844 §1) Accordingly, how can one be regarded as having a credible profession... Continue Reading
Presbyterian Church in America, 50th Anniversary, 2023
Since many churches had separated from the PCUS earlier in 1973, several of the teaching elders at the First General Assembly had been ordained by PCA presbyteries.
If ministerial candidates were being taught by some educators that Jesus’ words in John 17:17 were in fact not true, then the future of the denomination as a confessional church faithful to Scripture and the great commission was in question. The concerned Presbyterians made their case through preaching, special informational meetings, and publications increasing their... Continue Reading
Sin in the Christian Life
We must also remember that all of our remaining “wretchedness” is completely and eternally forgiven in and through Jesus Christ.
Sin is a reality for all who are in Christ. That shouldn’t surprise us, because we ought to be far more concerned about our own sins than we are about someone else’s. And all of our own sins should point us to the cross, which is the only place that we can find true and... Continue Reading
Men Need Biblical Counseling
The Bible’s Masculinity
We must acknowledge that men throughout our culture and churches are in need of much soul care. The answer is not therapy that in addition to being atheistic in origin is contrary to the nature of men. Instead, the answer is Scripture, which was given by God through the pens of men to speak to... Continue Reading
The Martyrdom of Stephen
That day, when Stephen saw the risen, standing Christ, He was given a hopeful glimpse that would sustain him through every blow of stones striking against his body.
In that moment, He saw a demonstration that the Lord reigns. And that gave our brother courage to take every strike all the way to the bitter end. We know from Acts that He has come into His Kingdom. He has all authority in heaven and on earth. And while this martyrdom of Stephen in Jerusalem... Continue Reading
Why Study Anthropology?
Anthropology benefits all Christians in ministry. The Word of God reveals much about human nature that guides us in how to relate to other people.
Anthropology, therefore, lays a foundation upon which we build our ethics. What is right or wrong in our treatment of others largely depends on who they are. Murder, adultery, theft, lying—these violations of the Ten Commandments are sins because of the nature of those against whom we commit them. The same is true of ethical... Continue Reading
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Colossians?
Confronting a False Teaching
We can be grateful that Paul was forced to counter this false teaching in Colossae, for it gave him an opportunity to clarify the preeminence of and sufficiency of the ascended Christ for the believer. This Christ dwells in us below, and we are hidden with him above. This should give the believer hope for... Continue Reading
Brothers and Sisters, Fight for Holiness!
Through the gospel we are saved from a life of sin and saved to a life of holiness.
Our holiness will be a work in progress during this earthly life. But in our resurrection and glorification at the last day we will be made perfectly holy, just like our Lord. Until that time comes we press on, “throwing off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles”, and “running with perseverance... Continue Reading
The Paradox of Humble Ambition
True Humility Directs Desires Forward
True humility directs our desires forward to Christ. All our ambitions are directed towards him. All our plans are in service of his kingdom, and his glory. We expect great things from, and attempt great things for, Jesus Christ, whose name is higher than any other name (Heb. 1:4). If humility is guardrail, gasoline, and... Continue Reading
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