A Pure Church
How Pure Worship Forms a Pure Church
Worship in this life that is shaped by our covenant relationship with God through the gospel, the spiritual realities of heavenly worship, sanctifies us into a pure church who live in light of that relationship as we wait for our blessed hope. By reenacting what we are in Christ, Christian worshipers become what we are.... Continue Reading
Following the Footsteps of Jesus: Consecration to the Father
Jesus did the Father’s will in all of life’s circumstances.
In all times and circumstances of life and ministry, Jesus kept His focus on doing His Father’s will. Jesus did not place conditions on doing His Father’s will, which we are tempted to do. We are tempted to think, and even say, “If my circumstances were different, then I would do God’s will.” Or we... Continue Reading
Esteeming Fatherhood
Fatherhood is ingrained within the fabric of creation.
All men are called to a father-like role in society. Not everyone is blessed with children of their own, but all men are called to act responsibly, with a kindly strength, to be gentlemanly toward and provide firm love, guidance, and protection toward children. In times gone by, we’d call it chivalry — to operate... Continue Reading
Let Brotherly Love Continue | Hebrews 13:1-6
How do we obtain and grow in brotherly love?
1 John 4:19 is the answer: “We love because he first loved us.” God’s love initiates; our love imitates. That is why these commands come in chapter 13 rather than chapter 1. Without the understanding of the love that Christ has demonstrated for us by not being ashamed to call us His brothers even as... Continue Reading
He Meant to Pass By Them
The Miracle of Jesus Walking on Water
Jesus walks on water, and this action reveals his deity. According to Mark 6:48, Jesus “meant to pass by them.” In the Old Testament, God is the one who subdues the waters and treads the waves. That poetic language in the Old Testament takes on a physical sense in the New Testament. The Word became... Continue Reading
Are You Savoring or Suppressing God’s Truth?
Making peace with what God calls sin is dangerous, to say the least; suppressing his truth to please our SELF never ends well.
In Christ Jesus, God takes us from death to life, from following the adversary to being seated with Christ in heaven, from being children of wrath to eternally loved children with access to heavenly riches. THIS is the truth we must cling to, believe in, and live out. Why would we choose something or someone... Continue Reading
Romance Can Ruin You
How a Relationship Becomes a god
Your desires for love are, at root, good. They’re innate, inescapable desires for Christ. And yet sin distorts our desires for love and leads them astray (sometimes far astray). That means romance can be a friend or a god, an ally or an enemy. So don’t run from your holy desires, and don’t idolize them. Make... Continue Reading
A Masculine Mandate for Today
The biblical view of manhood: work and keep.
What a difference it will make if Christian men will check out of the self-centered grid paraded around us in secular society and instead embrace God’s calling to work and keep — to till the soil of hearts and stand guard over God’s treasured ones. Christian men will spend our lifetimes learning what it means... Continue Reading
3 Ways People Responded to the News of Jesus’ Birth
How do we respond to this Jesus, the King?
If the wise men experienced great joy when they saw the star leading them to the child Jesus, what greater joy must they have felt when they saw the King of the Jews. They were so overcome that they “fell down and worshipped him,” and then offered him their treasures. As you read Matthew’s account, you... Continue Reading
Christian Friendship, and 3 Reasons Why 2 are Better than 1
Now, more than ever, we need to deeply believe and live out this reality of relationship.
We are forgetful people; we find ourselves in a season of difficulty, of trouble, of sadness or mourning, and we tend to forget what we know to be true about God and His love for us. It’s then when we need someone to remind us of these things. To comfort us. To defend us. To help... Continue Reading
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