Who Is Jesus? The True Vine
Three things we need to understand as disciples of Christ about abiding in Him.
We are entirely dependent on the vine to bear fruit. Apart from Christ we can’t worship, pray, understand the Word, obey His commands, speak words that edify, love one another, show kindness as He has shown to us, forgive one another, discern truth from error, bring people to a knowledge of Christ, or build up... Continue Reading
Four Good Responses to the Good News
O the height! O the breadth! O the length! O the depth of this mystery!
Remember, after His resurrection, when He came out of the grave, when His disciples were gathered together in a room for fear of the Jews, He came in there among them, and said, “Peace be unto you” (John 20:21). Remember that in the beginning of that chapter there was some word of His resurrection. Some... Continue Reading
Biblical Meditation
A discipline that drives biblical truth deep into our hearts and cements those truths into our minds.
True biblical meditation is not about emptying our minds or each of our thoughts. Instead, biblical meditation is about filling our minds with God’s thoughts as we seek to draw nearer and nearer to Him and then we process those thoughts. We reflect and ruminate upon those thoughts. We chew on those thoughts the way... Continue Reading
The Lost Power of the Gospel in Wales
Many churches of all types and denominations are feeling a great sense of powerlessness in the taking of the gospel to the lost.
Can the church, therefore, (whom God has so graciously called out of that sinful world for the express purpose of succeeding where the world had initially failed) really also fail to esteem and exalt its precious Lord so miserably – and yet expect great blessing? It is necessary for the point to be made, making... Continue Reading
The Paradox of Repentance
Rejecting the heresies of the modern age.
Life, Isaiah says, is not found in vain self-exaltation. It isn’t found through subjecting the world to our arbitrary whims. It isn’t found by blotting out every remembrance of our fallenness or seeking to indulge every craven lust. Rather, life is found through acknowledging the crushing weight of our rebellion against God and turning to... Continue Reading
The Myth of Neutrality
Can we really remain neutral in these crucial areas?
In most crucial areas of life, neutrality is a myth. It either does not exist, or seeking to remain neutral will just cause harm and hurt. We all must get involved, take a stand, and take sides. That certainly is the case with our eternal destiny. But it also matters in things like the culture... Continue Reading
Leap Day: How Clocks and Calendars Shape Us
Thinking about our relationship to time from a Judeo-Christian understanding.
Both the calendar and the development of mechanical clocks are rooted in the Church’s recognition of the need to see the world as sacred. Like the Sabbath and the feast of ancient Israel, time and seasons remind us that our lives are not ultimately our own and are instead part of the larger story of... Continue Reading
A Pastor’s Best Friend: A Good Catechism
We Need to Affirm Sound Doctrine
A Catechism for Christian Growth is specifically designed to fit into a variety of settings in the Christian life. It helps parents shepherd their children, new converts understand the fundamentals of the faith, and entire congregations learn sound doctrine like catechisms have for centuries. It is a succinct yet systematic scaffolding upon which Christians can fortify... Continue Reading
A Life of Listening, the Voice of One
Be a listener, one who pays attention to the God who speaks.
As we listen deeply and faithfully to Christ the Living Word, as his words in Scripture and his Spirit indwell our brains and imaginations, we may discern his voice through ten thousand voices, and heeding, become the persons we were created to be and long to be. Not long ago I took our daughter... Continue Reading
Why the God-Man?
God satisfied the demands of His righteousness by giving to us a Substitute who stands in our place, offering that satisfaction for us.
God’s grace is illustrated by the satisfaction of His justice in that it is done for us by the One whom He has appointed. It is God’s nature as the Judge of all the world to do what is right. And the Judge who does what is right never, ever violates the canons of His... Continue Reading
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