How Europe Built Its Own Funeral Pyre, Then Leapt In
Mass immigration, guilt and a continent on the brink of ‘societal catastrophe.’
The defining issue of our day is mass immigration into the nations of Western heritage. This growing inflow threatens to remake those nations and overwhelm their cultural identity. This is the issue that played the largest role in getting Donald Trump elected. It drove Britain’s Brexit vote. It is roiling the European continent, mounting tensions... Continue Reading
What if Herod Succeeded in Killing Baby Jesus?
If Jesus would have died at 2 years of age then it would directly change things for us. Chief among these changes is the reality of our justification.
Justification is the glorious doctrine that sinners are declared righteous before God. It is an instantaneous declarative act whereby God says that one who is guilty of sin is declared to be perfect in his sight based upon the merit of another, namely our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Romans 3:18-5:1). “Ruthless, barbaric, and depraved.” This... Continue Reading
The Lawmaker Made Under the Law to Save Lawbreakers
There is one Lawmaker, who, though he really was above the law, yet came under it far more than anyone else did.
Christ’s passive obedience began as soon as he was conceived in Mary’s womb. As soon as he was made of a woman, he was made under the law and subject to its curses. Not that he deserved this penalty, but rather he took the penalty his people deserved. Their liability to punishment was transferred entirely... Continue Reading
The Promise Is for You and Your Children
God is not only the God of Abraham, but also the God of Isaac and Jacob.
That is why Abraham was to circumcise his children: they needed to know they were not free to choose their own gods. They were to receive the sign of the covenant to show them that they were part of the covenant people. They belonged to the one true God, and they were to submit to... Continue Reading
The Tragedy of Dumbing Down Christianity
Ask most American Christians today any question deeper than “Does God love everyone?” and you’re bound to get some sort of response suggesting that that sort of discourse should be reserved for theological universities.
We have replaced rich, robust theology in the Church with emotional music and constant reminders that “God is love and loves you and He’s your personal Savior and loves your soul …” These words are great at bringing outsiders through the doors (because they’re true by and large) but poor at growing believers into mature... Continue Reading
Advice to a Young Preacher
Preacher, learn to love all of the Bible.
Remember that you are ultimately accountable to God for your preaching. Serve an audience of one, namely, God. You should not preach to meet your own needs, nor to gain appreciation and applause, nor to impress people, nor out of fear of criticism. Learn to live with delayed gratification in Christian ministry, because it is not... Continue Reading
An Open Letter to Those Nonchalant about Their Sexual Sin
You may be sure of this: everyone who is sexually immoral has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
Is something not right with your sexual behavior? You are a child of light—don’t walk in darkness! God’s point of view is good, right, and true. He beckons you. Walk as a child of light—for the fruit of light is found in all that is good, right, and true. The God who invites us into... Continue Reading
In Defense (Somewhat) of Self-Help
The sound of someone telling me to focus more, to identify my purpose, to take more charge of my days and to understand my limits and my potential and my calling—well, that’s the sound of non-gospel. Right? Right?
Here’s what I’m having a hard time with nowadays. For all my theological education, I tend to have only the foggiest, most vague ideas about my life. I know that the whole universe exists for God’s glory. That fact, alas, did not translate into a workable budget for me last year. I know that God... Continue Reading
6 Cracks in a Secular Worldview
The idea that atheism is the default setting for educated people is simply untenable.
When our friends hear the claims of Jesus, they wonder why we’d believe such fantastical things when there is a perfectly rational, coherent view of the world available to us. But if we look at the secular ground on which we supposedly all stand, we’ll realize it’s more like pack ice floating away from land. ... Continue Reading
Sexual Identity: What Does the Bible Say?
In a culture that has largely accepted the belief that the only thing that really matters, the only thing that is actually real, is the individual’s feelings, opinions and choices, it is very easy for Christians to think and act according to this, even unconsciously.
To regard human feelings, choices and opinions as ultimate reality, or the only thing that really matters can rightly be called “subjectivism;” the knowing the subject is the ultimate determiner of how things are to be interpreted. In this way of thinking and living it is not the object being interpreted that matters most for... Continue Reading
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