Looking for the Lost
The sovereign Saviour of the world uses the agency of his redeemed children scattered throughout that world to seek the perishing and, in his own words, ‘compel them to come in’ (Lk 14.23).
The very same Bible that sets out the aforementioned truths about God also sets out God’s declared means of bringing these people from being elect to the point at of actually receiving this salvation for themselves. And the means God sets out in his word is the spiritual equivalent of a search and rescue mission... Continue Reading
Is There a ‘Right Side’ of History?
We ought to yearn to be on the side of God and of the good, the true, and the beautiful, and to stand on the last day.
The next time someone challenges your biblical convictions on law, morality, society, or salvation as repressive or troglodytic, consider three presuppositions that underlie the colloquialism “the right side of history”: Objective morality. If there is a “right” side of history, there is a wrong side as well. But who determines this standard? Who stands as... Continue Reading
A Theology of the Home
This side of heaven, home should be a place where faith, hope, and love flourish. Faith in the sure work of Christ crucified and resurrected.
The home is not a neutral zone for acting upon baseless desires, nor is it simply a bastion for maintaining traditional values. One of the primary purposes of the home is to cultivate Christlike virtues that animate who we are in private and facilitate what we do in public. When the Apostle Paul addressed the... Continue Reading
Beauty, Ethics and Worship
If beauty exists, and if the human being is made in God’s image, a dearth of beauty must produce both a thirst and an eventual demand.
The neglect of beauty within Christian liturgy and practice in the last century have had visible effects on Christian worship. The last one hundred years or so have been a less fruitful era for Christian expression in terms of music, poetry, literature, architecture, and the plastic arts. This lopsided emphasis on propositional truth may have... Continue Reading
The Quiet Powerhouse of Christian Hospitality
Let us open the earthly homes we have now that more may enter into the Kingdom.
The Bible shows us a God who is holy, just, faithful and true—and who opens his arms in a wide invitation to all who call on him through faith in Christ. If hospitality is the generous welcoming of others and seeking to supply their needs, then hospitality is right at the center of the Gospel.... Continue Reading
A Call for Sympathy
"Give me the friend who, though poor in gold and silver, has always ready a sympathizing heart.”
Ryle, a great theologian with much “proper and correct counsel” he could give, is onto something. How we need genuine sympathy to open hearts and draw out our better feelings. How we need to suffer with that we might better discuss with. How we need to suffer with that we might better counsel with. How we... Continue Reading
Equal Opportunity for Me, Not Thee
LGBT Groups Push the NCAA to Boycott Idaho.
The U.S. Department of Justice on Friday filed a statement of interest in the Idaho case, saying the law provides equal protection for women. “Allowing biological males to compete in all-female sports is fundamentally unfair to female athletes,” Attorney General William Barr said. And in a recent 45-page letter, the U.S. Education Department threatened to... Continue Reading
The answer is not to hold on to your anger through pride, but to release it through humbling yourself before God.
Submit yourselves to God, draw near to God and He will draw near to you. I promise you that His desire will be for you to be reconciled to your true brothers and sisters in Christ. Go to them and seek forgiveness. You may say, “Yeah, but he said!” or “Yeah, but she said!” So... Continue Reading
Successful or Faithful?
Youth ministry for the long haul is a high calling, but more and more critical for the lives of students and for the future of the Church.
Long term ministry, alongside the guidance of others that have ministered faithfully throughout the years to teenagers, has taught me and continues to teach me that when my motivation is to be faithful, or rather to respond to God’s faithfulness to me, my motivation is no longer my own. It’s not about me at all.... Continue Reading
Groaning, Waiting, Hoping
How to live in a fallen, fragile world.
When “the creation was subjected to futility,” the one who subjected it did so “in hope” (Romans 8:20). What hope? The hope “that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God” (Romans 8:21). The futility infecting creation is not... Continue Reading
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