10 Things You Should Know about Jesus Christ
Paul’s letter to the Colossians is fundamentally and essentially about the centrality, supremacy, and preeminence of Jesus Christ in all things.
Who is Jesus Christ? The answer to that question, more than anything else, is what sets apart Christianity from every other religion or philosophy or movement. Christianity is distinctively known for what we believe about Jesus Christ. The answer to this question also provides us with a comprehensive view of the origin, meaning, and ultimate... Continue Reading
Covenant Vows
In Christian relationships, particularly in the home and church, covenant vows serve a serious, necessary purpose.
We tend to make covenant vows, particularly the marriage kind, in the filtered sunlight of a warm (but not hot) spring day. We make them as the sun shines and the flowers bloom. Loved ones smile warmly around us. And the ones with whom we are entering covenant welcome us toward them. But the shining... Continue Reading
Some Pastors and Teachers: A Manifesto
If there ever was a vocation wherein “the race is not to the swift,” it’s the pastorate.
A faithful shepherd will pace himself for the long haul given the nature of the work. Pastors are not pounding out “products,” but doing heart work. And heart work can be messy, unpredictable, and slow to change. The Tortoise wins. I remember hearing Aesop’s famous fable The Hare & the Tortoise as a little boy and... Continue Reading
Pursuing Godly Progress
While faithfully contending for the faith that was “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), we have to be men and women of progress.
Holding fast to one thing while actively pursuing another is no easy task. That’s why so many, in the sincere desire to be those who grow, leave the truth behind. For those of us for whom historical doctrine is precious, there is the opposite temptation: to remain static (or, we might say, stagnant) in our... Continue Reading
What Does Prophecy Offer That Scripture Does Not?
As we consider that possible confluence between two streams of theology that to this point have remained largely separate, a key issue that must be clarified is the relationship of Scripture and prophecy.
As Protestants we are convinced that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, sufficient Word of God. We rightly proclaim the doctrine of Scripture alone (sola scriptura) which assures us that the Bible is our sole authoritative rule for faith and practice. When we introduce prophecy, we must grapple with how to practice it in such... Continue Reading
He Killed His Sin with Love
John Owen (1616–1683)
In the preface to his book The Death of Death in the Death of Christ, Owen does what no good marketing agent would allow today. He begins like this: “READER, . . . If thou art, as many in this pretending age, a sign or title gazer, and comest into books as Cato into the theatre, to... Continue Reading
You Can’t Love Jesus Without Loving His Church
Christianity is inextricably linked to the local church. In fact, the local church is the New Testament’s expression of Christianity.
Both an individualistic and institutional approach to Christianity misunderstand the Christian life. Conversion is an individual experience that’s intended to become a congregational reality. It’s simply impossible to conceptualize New Testament Christianity apart from the local church. Have you ever heard someone say, “I am into Jesus, but not the church”? My first encounter with... Continue Reading
The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity #6: Is Christianity Just about Being on a Spiritual “Journey”?
The sixth progressive commandment is “Encouraging the personal search is more important than group uniformity.”
In his sixth chapter, Gulley laments the fact that Christians are so concerned about protecting the church from aberrant views that they stifle free thinking and are even kicking people out who don’t conform. To make his point, he proceeds to tell stories about people he knows who were “disfellowshipped” or “shunned” by their churches... Continue Reading
It’s Not Enough to Have Your Sins Forgiven
Why the Imputation of Christ’s Righteousness Is Essential
Paul refers to the righteousness from God, that is, the righteous status God graciously and freely gives to condemned sinners who receive Him by faith. This righteousness, Luther realized, is an alien righteousness. It’s not a righteousness from within the sinner, but rather the perfect, stainless righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to the sinner’s account upon faith.... Continue Reading
A God Thing
Even in the adrenaline pumping retelling of an amazing story, does dubbing the event a “God thing” actually offer the praise due our Sovereign Father?
When Christians take on a new life in Christ, we learn a new vocabulary. Words like “grace,” “forgiveness,” “justify,” and “redemption” grip us with their newfound meanings. But the vocabulary lesson does not end there, and sadly not all Christian-ese is thoroughly Christian. Common church speak can even unintentionally distort the gospel message. Though tempting to many... Continue Reading
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