Godly (Dis)contentment
Because we live in a fallen world and because we are not yet arrived at our eternal home, we will necessarily--and rightly--be discontent in some areas.
“To love Christ more — this is the deepest need, the constant cry of my soul. Down in the bowling-alley, and out in the woods, and on my bed, and out driving, when I am happy and busy, and when I am sad and idle, the whisper keeps going up for more love, more love,... Continue Reading
Eternity in Our Hearts
The expectation of seeing Christ by sight in heaven must inform how we live by faith here on earth.
This side of eternity, the Christian life is like an engagement. It is lived in anticipation of the wedding day. As Christians, we live in between the already of our betrothal to Christ and the not-yet of the wedding feast of the lamb. We are to be like the bride-to-be who takes every occasion to... Continue Reading
6 Ways Jesus Radically Altered Marriage
Jesus radically altered the meaning and purpose of marriage in his day which sent shockwaves throughout history.
Jesus provides the means in this life to flee immorality, lust, and adultery through the marriage of one man to one woman. The Lord does not take this institution away but rather shows how grace triumphs over sinfulness. Christ first shows us how far sin enters our hearts, how deep the river of sin runs,... Continue Reading
On Its Own Terms: Rightly Reading Scripture, Part 3
I want to further develop the Bible’s “own terms” by focusing on how Scripture has come to us, not only over time but also by the progression of the biblical covenants.
Our reading of Scripture will carefully unpack how themes such as temple, land, sacrifice, priest, etc., unfold across the canon. But before we do, we must first ask whether God has “put together” his plan and revealed it to us in Scripture in such a way that there is a correct structuring or backbone to the Bible’s storyline that... Continue Reading
Have We Finally Hit Peak Attractional?
The attractional church is, according to Jared Wilson, a “ministry paradigm that has embraced consumerism, pragmatism, and moralism as its operational values.”
This series may represent “peak attractional,” which is to say, it may mark the moment the attractional church model finally hit rock bottom (though you could probably make the case Young already achieved that the day he got into bed with his wife on the church roof). I’m almost afraid to ask: Can the model possibly... Continue Reading
Most of Us Disagree With Jesus
The subject? Our pocketbooks. Jesus unashamedly talks about our money.
Those that find the stuff of theology airy, stuffy, boring or irrelevant surely have turned a deaf ear to the master Teacher, Jesus of Nazareth. And the problem lies neither with the message nor the Messenger. The problem, as G. K. Chesterton famously put it, is I. Against all such resistance, with unparalleled authority (see Matt. 7:28–29), Jesus... Continue Reading
Book Review: Disruptive Witness by Alan Noble
The American church now essentially finds itself hungover and utterly unprepared for the vastly changed world that now greets it.
The problem is not simply that the American church seems to be currently reckoning with the cost of decades of systemic failures and infidelity within the church. The surrounding world has not simply stopped to gawk at us as we stumble about like a drunk on an especially bad bender. It has, rather, continued going... Continue Reading
Debt Is Not a Money Problem
Educating yourself about money is wise, and a budget can be practically helpful, but it cannot be our starting point.
It is both impossible and dangerous to solve personal debt by only talking about money. Like every other issue in our life, debt must be rooted in a distinctly biblical worldview. We must allow the gospel of Jesus Christ to correct our assumptions about debt and shape our spending. Otherwise, we won’t be able to... Continue Reading
The Fatherhood of God
We affirm God’s uniqueness and confess that salvation is found in Jesus alone when we say “our Father.”
In What is Christianity?, Harnack defined the essence of the Christian faith as the universal fatherhood of God and the universal brotherhood of man. Harnack’s indebtedness to liberalism, humanism, and universalism is apparent in his book as it denies the exclusivity of Christ. To be true to Scripture, we do affirm the universal Creatorhood of God, for... Continue Reading
What is Encouragement?
In my studies of Scripture, I see four main, overlapping ideas about what encouragement is.
We are designed and created to be vessels ready to receive the strength others can give to us. Everyone you know has very hard work to do. Perhaps it’s related to their vocation or their family or a season of suffering. Regardless, no one really has an easy life. And God has designated you to... Continue Reading
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