C.S. Lewis and Aristotle on Civic Friendship
Aristotle described three types of friendship. In a season of increased polarization and even calls for incivility from national political leaders, perhaps we need a fourth.
One of the most painful realities of this seemingly interminable political season has been witnessing, and feeling, the rise of rancor and frustration toward our family, friends, and neighbors who think so differently than we do about this or that political issue, or this or that political candidate. This is not unique, nor is it... Continue Reading
Is Porn Addiction Just a Medical Problem?
the church needs to be aware that the fundamental anthropology of a disease model for a porn addiction falls far short of the way God describes humanity’s experience as his fallen image bearers.
The Bible always locates sin in one place: the human heart. This doesn’t mean that environmental and physiological factors don’t play a role in addictions, but the Bible sees every external factor as the context for the desires, responses, and engagements of the heart. In other words, Scripture says the entire person—the body, mind, and... Continue Reading
The Blessedness Of The Margins
The visible church used to be among the institutions that helped to form culture but that day has been past for some time.
The mainline churches gave up their adherence to the Scriptures as God’s infallible Word. They gave up the historic creeds and confessions as part of their “broadening” (L. Loescher). They gave up everything and anything that they thought might prevent them from remaining “relevant” or culturally significant or influential. It did not work. Today, the... Continue Reading
The Statement on SJ&G Explained: Article 11, Complementarianism
Some have claimed the SJ&G statement was fundamentally about race. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
The statement was written to address a variety of issues (e.g. race, homosexuality, complementarianism) that are being defined and discussed not solely by the clear and simple teaching of Scripture, but by the inclusion of worldly concepts of social justice. The same social justice language and concepts are driving the conversation about the role of... Continue Reading
If you Accept Transgender, then why not Trans-Aged?
Emile Ratelband, a 69-year-old who feels like he’s in his 40s… is asking a court in his hometown of Arnhem, the Netherlands, to change his birth certificate.
Folks are already dismissing Ratebland’s request as different from and offensive to transgender people. But the obvious question is why? In what way is this different from transgenderism? A closer look reveals that there isn’t very much of a difference at all. The Washington Post reports that a man wishes to self-identify as twenty years... Continue Reading
How Do You Know if a Sermon is Expository?
Much preaching gets crammed under the heading “expository preaching,” though it bears little resemblance to classical exposition.
The question is a bit more angular than one might initially perceive. It is a question that has struck me in recent months, as I have heard multiple preachers describe their preaching style as expository. Never mind that they give little attention to interpreting the text, applying the text, or actually preaching the text. ... Continue Reading
The Danger of Thinking You’re Morally Good
“Although evangelicals believe that Jesus died on the cross for their salvation…many do not fully understand the gravity of sin.”
While much of modern secular sensibility seems attracted to the idea that human beings, at their core, are basically good, this belief isn’t peculiar to non-Christians. It has found its way into the Church, as well. But this confidence in the inherent moral goodness of humankind has its root in original sin. Perhaps second... Continue Reading
Berkeley Student Senator Disavowed over Christian Beliefs Responds to Calls to Resign
After choosing to abstain from voting on a resolution to oppose the recent Title IX changes proposed by President Donald Trump, Chow's own party disavowed her.
Chow, who says she “campaigned very clearly as the candidate who would represent the Christian community” chose not to vote for the bill, stating that she could not do so “without compromising [her] values and [her] responsibility to the community that elected [her] to represent them.” During an interview with Campus Reform, Chow said that she... Continue Reading
Three Old Testament Pictures of Baptism You Should Know
Here are three Old Testament pictures that help us understand, according to the Bible,what baptism is a sign of.
The beauty of baptism is that it actually points us away from ourselves, what we do, and onto the Creator-Judge who delivers us out of the sea of death and iniquity. How does he do this? Well, Jesus Christ went down into the sea of our sins and conquered them when he rose from the dead. When... Continue Reading
Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks are Not Useless to Jesus
Since when did God love us based on what we can offer him?
Jesus never turned away a person who came to him broken, hurting, and deemed “useless” by society and religious people. In fact, it seems that he often gathered these people around him. Think about how staggering this is. Lepers. Prostitutes. The blind. The physically disabled. The demon possessed. Jesus did not crush them, but rather... Continue Reading
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