The Way of the Kingdom
This is our Savior. This is love. This is the way of the Kingdom of God.
We should stand amazed that our Lord, in His moment of greatest affliction––and as the object of the greatest injustice in the history of the world––would stretch out His hand to His enemies in love. This last miracle of love is rivaled in greatness only by our Lord praying on the cross––as the soldiers nailed... Continue Reading
The Wrong Enemy
Paul told us who the real enemy is in Ephesians 6.
We pray against the wrong enemy a lot of the time. Why aren’t we praying against Satan and the demons? Just because we can’t see it, and we don’t know much about it, therefore, we think that the battle is entirely in the visual spectrum. But the real battle is a spiritual one. When we... Continue Reading
3 Good Things to Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Sin and Failures
Though he disciplines us, teaching us as a loving and gracious father, he remembers our dusty weakness with compassion.
It is good to mourn our sins in confession, regretting the pain we have caused others and ourselves. It is right to have a healthy desire to be taught by God—to have the discipline of a loving father. Yet, in our weakness God shows forth his glory in the love and forgiveness we have in... Continue Reading
What Came Before God?
God’s eternality is inseparably related to His self-existence, His aseity.
His eternality, perhaps more than anything else, sets God apart from us. His holiness refers not only to His purity but also to His otherness or transcendence—the sense in which He is different from us. One thing we human beings have in common is that we are creatures, who by nature are temporal. At the... Continue Reading
Theological Proportionality and Your Nose
To blow something small (or even large) out of proportion, or even to shrink something that is very large, is to distort the beautiful face of the gospel.
Say a man draws a portrait of a face with a hilariously large nose, and you critique him for doing so. It will do you no good to pull out a book titled “list of body parts found on the face” because “nose” surely will be there. The painter may even have memorized the chapter... Continue Reading
Why I Love The Belgic Confession
The piety of the Belgic Confession is why I love the Belgic Confession.
I remember one man to whom I gave a copy of the Belgic Confession, told him to read and then get back to me. His summary was, “I felt like it was Christianity 101 that I’ve always believed.” That was music to my ears. Why? The “Reformed faith” isn’t a cultic set of doctrines and... Continue Reading
A Christian Response to Death
While giving death its due, she must not stop there but point her people to the promise of the empty tomb and the final resurrection.
While the mystery of Christ’s tears surely surpasses human finite understanding, one thing is clear: the promise does not cancel the present pain of death or circumvent grieving and lamentation. In fact, the path from Abraham to Christ strongly suggests the opposite, that knowledge of the promise and the final victory of God over death... Continue Reading
The Nature of Our Hope
The nature of our hope is our conforming to Christ.
Our lives are like grass, here one day and gone tomorrow. Our death is always imminent. And I’m looking forward, not just to the redemption of my body, but also the sinful tendencies I struggle with every single day. In his book the Triumph of the Crucified, in the chapter on the Rapture and the... Continue Reading
Jesus in the Gospel of John – the Good Shepherd
God had come in the person of His Son to shepherd the sheep.
In God’s declaration we find echoes of the shepherd of Psalm 23 where the shepherd is the Lord Himself. He will not desert the sheep but instead lead them to grazing fields of green pastures and to refreshing drink from still waters. Under His watch the sheep need not fear evil. These words take on flesh... Continue Reading
More Pastors Agree With Andy Stanley: No Worship Services Until 2021
Now 5 percent of church leaders say they don’t expect to reopen for the rest of the year.
In the video announcement sent out to his congregation, Stanley explained that even if North Point resumed services, only a small portion of the church could or would attend, and the church could not guarantee safety from the virus. Holding Sunday gatherings would also put leaders in the logistically difficult position of contact-tracing should an... Continue Reading
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