Should Churches Have Christian Schools? A Test Case Regarding Church and Society
The church has interest in school and law firms, and should therefore equip its people to govern them.
For centuries, Europe’s Roman Church attempted to exercise substantial control over the state and the state returned the favor. Sovereigns wanted everyone in their realm to adopt their religion and to belong to state churches that they controlled. English and Scottish Presbyterians attempted to correct that. The Westminster Confession of Faith specified that God ordained... Continue Reading
Tried with Fire: A City That Hath Foundations
Suffering teaches us by practice that even the good things of this world are very transient.
Life itself is a vapor. Each good thing that we own comes to own a part of us, for with possession comes the stewardship of maintenance and right use. Hence the maxim, bon pa dire—good don’t last. The better we learn this lesson, the greater will be our legitimate detachment from earthly things. On the other... Continue Reading
Fighting Church Cynicism
We can choose to become cynics, or we can remind ourselves of God’s grace and enter into deeper community.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer warns what can happen when roe respond wrongly to hurt. “The man who fashions a visionary ideal of community demands that it be realized by God, by others, and by himself. He enters the community of Christians with his demands, sets up his own laws, and judges the brethren and God himself accordingly.... Continue Reading
Is It Vain to Serve God?
Walk by faith and not by sight, and never buy in to the lie that it is vain to serve God.
It may not always be obvious now, but on the day of the Lord the distinction between the righteous and the wicked will be abundantly clear. On that day, “all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts, so that it... Continue Reading
Another Ordinary Red Brick Church
He has promised that he will use the ordinary means of grace to call his sheep.
Being a biblically faithful church in rural Massachusetts was challenging. Yet over two decades, the church grew in numbers, a Sunday School building was added, and the sanctuary was expanded as the 1950 red brick church proved insufficient to hold its people. Challenges to Biblical faithfulness from within slowly decreased even as opposition from without... Continue Reading
But There are Many Interpretations!
We can come to the right understanding of Scripture because God does not leave His people alone in our sin to interpret the Bible.
We prefer to live our own way rather than the way that God wisely and lovingly created us to live. As a result, when we read Scripture, our sinfulness will affect our understanding. We all have beliefs, assumptions, and biases which impact our interpretation of the Bible. As long as we remain in sin against... Continue Reading
Who Is Lord: Christ or Caesar?
When the question is put to us, Caesar or Christ, may we be among those who don’t shrink back.
Caesar or Christ? The truth is that question is always there. It is always before us, before the church in every age of the past. The question is before us in our time today, and it will be in front of the church in the ages to come. Who is Lord? When the Apostles and the... Continue Reading
How the Kingdom Arrives in Matthew’s Gospel
The king took the sins of the people lay them on his shoulders and heaves them up on the cross.
If the Jews were expecting a red carpet to be rolled out for the new Davidic king, then they have not been paying close attention to the story of David’s kingship. David’s journey to his kingship is anything but smooth. The journey of the King is one of deportation and distress. This specific movement, this... Continue Reading
Four Sustaining Graces for Seasons of Depression
Of all the sustaining graces to be had in depression, perhaps the grandest of them all is that our faith is a gift entirely earned, kept, and ultimately perfected by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Asking for prayer from a trusted friend is crucial for those who are suffering from depression. It’s common to feel as though we cannot pray for ourselves beyond the desperate groans of a few little words: Lord, please. Lord, why? Lord, help. Lord, I can’t. Lord, make it stop. Not that more words are required... Continue Reading
I’d Probably Still Cancel Your Short-Term Mission Trip
Having served for a decade as the leader of a missions agency that takes short-term trips, I offer eight brief ways to make them more fruitful.
American churches often send untrained individuals from among the financially privileged on short-term trips as a means of discipleship. In doing so, we swamp long-term workers with people who have flexible schedules and eager hearts, but not a lot of skill. Many missionaries wish they could tell you the same thing, but they’d lose support from... Continue Reading
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