Talking Past Each Other: “Love Wins” vs. Human Nature
The anthropological and "Love Wins" views talk past each other because one side is interested in human nature, but the other is not.
There remain two views on the question of marriage, but they keep talking past each other. One holds that “love wins,” so one shouldn’t stand in the way of love. The other respects the anthropological truth about marriage. Times have been more trying than usual for supporters of marriage—that is, the institution that brings... Continue Reading
Changing The World. One Word At A Time.
There is a whole lot of death being spoken every day. That’s why words of encouragement are so life-giving.
There is a whole lot of death being spoken every day. Curses. Angry explosions. Criticism. Derogatory comments. Backbiting, gossip, slander, hatred, and a thousand other variations on death. We all live in a wash of constant death-speak. That’s why words of encouragement are so life-giving. So refreshing. I’m not good at changing the world. Don’t... Continue Reading
What Goes Under the Umbrella of Women’s Ministry?
Despite the best intentions of having a thriving women’s ministry, the men may be missing out on the blessings of serving in areas designated for women.
It has become easier to target “weak” women to infect the church with false teaching because we have separated them to their own ministry. There are so many books full of bad theology with these groups in mind. Pastors can hardly keep up with what the women are up against in the danger zone ostensibly... Continue Reading
Are We Exiles?
The Scriptures call on all Christians everywhere to be “strangers and exiles” in whatever culture we inhabit. This doesn’t mean a lack of engagement.
The political and cultural climate of America does not make us exiles. It can, however, remind us that we are exiles and strangers, just as our ancestors were. American Christians can wake up from the hypnosis of an illusory “Christian America,” and learn to seek first the kingdom of God. We can stop counting on... Continue Reading