The Worst Defeat in All of Human History
For every great military victory, there is a shocking defeat.
There are no perfectly clean victories. Except this one. For the grave will give up her dead. All of her dead. Though death has claimed 100% of humanity, it will retain 0% of humanity. There could be no more complete defeat, no more colossal calamity. The history of warfare has provided some shocking defeats.... Continue Reading
As a Christian, I Went Down the AI Rabbit Hole. Here Are 12 Things I Discovered.
The spread of AI into everyday life raises the question of what it means for us as individuals, families, schools, workplaces, and society at large.
The iPod revolutionised the music industry: we no longer buy CDs (let alone cassette tapes). Instead, we download our music directly. We could say the same about cars (horses, anyone?), television, the printing press, the internet….In the same way, AI will not just sit alongside our older technology and ways of doing things: it will... Continue Reading
Striving for Godliness in the Christian Life—2 Peter 1
Christians who are short-sighted and blind to their faults are complacent and do not pursue holiness as Peter commands.
Here is the great purpose of God’s long-prepared and long-promised salvation: that we come to reflect certain of the very attributes of God. Not, of course, his incommunicable attributes of self-existence, unchangeableness, omnipresence, and omnipotence; but definitely his communicable attributes of love, sacrifice, faithfulness, and service. In 2016 the Australian demographer and social commentator... Continue Reading
The Mass Hysteria and Psychosis of Modern Society
In many ways George Orwell’s "1984" could be regarded as a prophetic novel. Although written in 1949 there are parts of it that are even more apposite for 2023.
The best way to destroy groupthink is by learning to think for ourselves and in the words of Paul “being transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Rom.12:2). What a difference it would make if all Christians stood up against the lies that our society is being built upon! We would turn the world upside... Continue Reading
WCF Chapter 1—Of the Holy Scripture
What we believe about Scripture shapes how we think, not just about faith, but about all of life.
Scripture isn’t like a mystery novel or a complex code only solvable by the most cunning. The Bible is a revelation, an unveiling. Anyone who reads the Bible from start to finish will understand its basic message. If you were going to introduce Christianity to someone where would you begin? You might start with... Continue Reading
Hope in an Age of Nay-Saying
Despair can become a chic temptation.
Many on right and left today choose to be marked by the Mephistophelean metaphysic. They embody the spirit that negates, an easy, lazy option that carries with it the instant gratification that destruction always brings with it. Thankfully, however, there is still hope. I am the spirit that negates.” So Mephistopheles describes his calling... Continue Reading
3 Things You Should Know about Leviticus
Despite its seemingly obscure interest in the tabernacle worship of ancient Israel, we should not miss what this book has to offer us.
Our sins are atoned for, our alliance with the King is restored, we share a hospitable meal between friends, the defilement is purified, and our debt is repaid in the person and work of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. We can rejoice that our High Priest is at work to accomplish all these blessings... Continue Reading
A Review of “The Case against the Sexual Revolution,” by Louise Perry
The secular case against the sexual revolution.
As a feminist more or less from the left, not everything Perry says will be embraced by those who are conservative and/or religious. But when you have someone like this making a fairly strong case for the differences between men and women, the importance of marriage, and the depersonalising nature of the sexual revolution and porn culture, then you know you need to sit up... Continue Reading
How Do I Break Free from Patterns of Unbelief?
Faith is a matter of the heart, not the eyes.
Jesus uses his people as his mouthpiece to remind you of his love, care, goodness, and power over your life. Isolation is the soil in which unbelief grows. But the body of Christ is not only an effective spiritual weed killer, it’s also the good soil through which our Father causes our faith to go... Continue Reading
On Parenting Wisely in a Foolish Age
We cannot sit idly by and watch kids live as fools.
Since we don’t live in Mayberry any longer, parents need to reject the wisdom of this age and the foolish counsel from state officials. Instead, the way of wisdom, maturity, and love calls for parental engagement, which sometimes means telling our kids, “Wait…trust me…[while we] try to keep temptation away” for your present good and... Continue Reading
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