End Your War Against Weakness
Christians need not fight a war we cannot win.
When, for one reason or another, we continue our attempt to overthrow the weaknesses God has given to us, even after all reasonable efforts have failed, we are probably being driven less by faith than by discontentment. And discontentment never did anyone good. If persisted in, we risk spending years of our lives trying to... Continue Reading
Six Characteristics of Pastors You Need to Avoid
The church today needs pastors who will faithfully represent Jesus in their preaching and lifestyles.
Your pastor has the sobering task of letting you hear God’s voice through the text of Scripture every Sunday. When pastors spend more time sharing their thoughts than they do the text, they squelch Heaven’s voice. Any pastor who functionally ministers as though their words are more important than God’s, should be avoided at all... Continue Reading
Making the Faith Your Own Is not the Same as Making Up Your Own Faith
The faith once for all delivered is not a secret thing.
To be sure, there are aspects of mystery in the Christian faith, but the Christian faith cannot be all mystery or else there would be nothing to call “the Christian faith.” Moses wrote that “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our... Continue Reading
Killing a Legend
"The Highwaymen" takes aim at the wrongheaded heroizing of Bonnie and Clyde.
It probably shouldn’t be surprising that mainstream reviews of The Highwaymenhave been tepid, given how hard it pushes back against a film Hollywood has long hailed as one of its greatest works. And there’s no question it indicts the media for heroizing the wrong people. But that would be just another us vs. them movie,... Continue Reading
How Do We “Get” Meaning from the Bible
Be aware of how you approach Scripture.
Here are four main ways that I see us reading Scripture to grasp its meaning. By looking at each, we can grow in our awareness of how we read the Bible and hopefully become more skilled at reading Scripture through this knowledge. When we read the Bible, we intuitively get its meaning. If we... Continue Reading
The Ascending Christ, The Descending Spirit
What was this new relationship that existed between the Son, the Spirit and His people?
The Holy Spirit comes to apply the finished work of redemption to the souls of those for whom Christ died and rose again. The work of the Spirit, post the resurrection of Jesus, is a work of glorifying the risen and reigning glorified Son. I well remember many discussion with friends, as a young... Continue Reading
The Franklin Statement
A Biblical View of Covenant Marriage, Love, and Sexuality
While civil magistrates, courts, denominations, and congregations may legislate the certification, regulation, and licensing of domestic unions, partnerships, and friendships, even “defining” such unions as true “love” or “marriage,” only God Himself actually defines love and marriage by the covenantal decrees in His Biblical revelation. It is God who has established, sanctified, and ordained... Continue Reading
Handling Statistics
Statistics are easy to misunderstand and easy to misapply.
What we read in newspaper reports or online articles is often only part of the story (other relevant figures are sometimes omitted) or are not completely accurate reports of the findings (such as ambiguity about the wording of questions actually asked). It is therefore important to look for the original source of the statistics. ... Continue Reading
Vain Generosity
You gave for nothing.
The truth is, giving to the poor is nearly always impractical. Try as you might, you cannot control others, you can’t make them use the money the way that you want them to. You can’t make the medicine work, or the surgery to take, and even when it does, you can’t make people stay alive.... Continue Reading
He Stayed for Forty Days
What was Jesus doing on earth for forty days after His resurrection?
“It was, therefore, to the apostles a period of training, that fitted them eminently for the great work to which they were called in preaching the gospel to all nations. Like the forty days that preceded the public ministry of the Lord, it was designed and adapted in an eminent degree to furnish preparation for... Continue Reading