Grab Hold of God
The Importance of Wrestling in Prayer
Sometimes resting can be a cover for resignation because we’ve given up hope. Sometimes saying we are trusting is a way of protecting ourselves from disappointment. Sometimes not asking is a sign of drifting from God, unwilling to actively engage him. We need to understand where our rest is coming from. I struggle with... Continue Reading
An Attribute of God Simply Too Serious to Ignore
Dutch apple caramel pie is a poor illustration for what God is like.
Simplicity [as an attribute of God] may be a concept that is new to your theological vocabulary, but it is one that has been affirmed by the majority of our Christian forebears over the past two thousand years of church history, even by some of the earliest church fathers. And for good reason, too. Let’s... Continue Reading
The Most Difficult Verse in the Bible?
Which of the Apostle Paul’s statements are hardest to understand?
Paul’s arguments about consciences and food offered to idols prove to be some of the most perplexing portions in the New Testament. Then, when you make it to [1 Corinthians] Chapter 15–and the glorious teaching about Christ’s resurrection and our own–you feel as though you’ve made it out of the woods and into the clear.... Continue Reading
Satan Will Sing You to Sleep
Waking Up from Spiritual Indifference
It matters not if we call ourselves Calvinists and believe we have an accurate knowledge of the doctrine of election, if our knowledge does not lead us to feel anguish in our hearts over the lost and a resolve to do whatever it takes to save some. “We do not yet know as we ought... Continue Reading
The Importance of Preaching, Part 1
Samuel Miller's Lectures on Preaching
Miller played a pivotal role in [Old Princeton] seminary—that of teaching ministerial students how to preach. No doubt, as to influencing the local church, this proves one of the most significant professorates of the seminary. Miller performed this function for thirty-five years and trained approximately 1,600 ministerial students! Most Presbyterians know the name Samuel... Continue Reading
Don’t Let “Wisdom” Make You an Idiot
After all correct theology always leads to correct living, right?
Paul loved them. The false teachers were abusing them. But they chose the false teachers over Paul because “wisdom.” Love gives people what they need and not necessarily what they want. That’s why real love isn’t always the most popular. If given the choice we’ll take the fake stuff any day. For you gladly... Continue Reading
The Incarnation as Revelation
The mighty, infinite, Creator God actually put on flesh and stepped into the time and space he created.
We can identify this human being—Jesus Christ, the most beautiful human being ever to exist—as the central object of our worship and offer all of our praise to him without the fear of dishonoring God precisely because he is no mere human: he himself is God. He has become man in order to accommodate our... Continue Reading
Reforming Apologetics
Retrieving the Classic Reformed Approach to Defending the Faith
From the perspectives of systematic and historical theology, Fesko seeks to recover a classical Reformed approach to defending the faith, with a special emphasis on the use of natural theology in apologetics. J.V. Fesko, Reforming Apologetics: Retrieving the Classic Reformed Approach to Defending the Faith. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2019. 250pp. Paperback. Christians... Continue Reading
The Church, Israel, and “Replacement” Theology, Part II
Abraham is heir, not merely of Canaan, but of the world!
The point is that the patriarchs did not seek in the physical land of Canaan their everlasting possession. The focal point of the OT land promise was on land, to be sure, but on the heavenly land (Heb. 11:16) of the new earth with its central feature, the New Jerusalem. In Parts One and... Continue Reading
Not Replacement…Expansion!
If we miss how God's promises reach their greater fulfillment in the New Covenant we rob Jewish and Gentile believers of a deeper understanding of the our glorious identity as sons of God through Messiah!
National and ethnic Israel can only find true meaning within the larger context of the renewal of all things through the Messiah. God’s purposes are one. God created the Jewish people to bring Messiah to the world. You cannot divorce any of the promises to Israel from the “big picture” of redemption from the Fall... Continue Reading
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