Thoughts on the Church of England’s Vote on Women Bishops
Everyone seems to be for multiculturalism and tolerance except when it doesn’t suit the progressive side
Through online tweets, articles, and soundbites, most media types and several church leaders have expressed their dismay at the outcome. Apparently, those who called for the losing side to be conciliatory never expected to be on the losing side.
Should Christianity contribute to celebrity status?
Is it the stardom or the belief, the platform or the person?
Did Tim Tebow change when he moved from Denver to New York? Did his faith and public declarations of belief become less meaningful? No, it was his position on the team that became less meaningful. Instead of leading game winning drives he now holds a clipboard. And so his celebrity luster diminished, as did our estimation of him.
Precious Puritans, A Poem
Though they are quaint, don't call them weird; a few may have that "epic beard"
In recent days a slur's been cast on certain giants of the past, Who did - so goes the painful claim, despite their other rightful fame As men of penetrating sight who sought to know and do what's right - See nothing wrong with stealing men, but added their robust "Amen!"
Making the Most of Turkey Time: Thanksgiving on Mission
Ten practical ideas for sharing the gospel with relatives this year
Realistically, there could have been some cousin of the apostle Paul sitting around some prayer meeting centuries ago telling his fellow believers, “Hey, would you guys pray for my cousin Saul? I can’t think of anyone more lost. He hunts down followers of The Way and arrests them. Just last week, he was the guy who stood guard over the clothes of the people who killed our brother Stephen.”
Not All Turkey and Touchdowns
Documents such as the Mayflower Compact leave little doubt that the New England colonies were founded primarily for religious purposes.
Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation.
Now Thank We All Our God
The Pilgrims' Thanksgiving feast of 1621 would never have happened had they stayed at home in England and bowed their necks to the king's yoke
This Thanksgiving is a good time to pray that we will see a revival of the faith in America and a renewal of our country's commitment to its First Freedom. We ask for the freedom to worship, to be sure. But we will press for more. We will assert our rights as citizens of this Great Republic. We will insist upon the right to witness for Christ in the public square, knowing we must obey God rather than men.
Injunction granted in Navy Chaplains discrimination case
The chaplains contend the Navy's chaplain promotion process favors mainline Protestants and Roman Catholics
"To our disappointment, rather than change the contested policies, the Navy has worked to enact legislation that disallows public disclosure of illegal acts by board members and allows the discriminatory behavior to continue," Weibling said.
Is Facebook Losing Its Effectiveness for Businesses, Nonprofits & Churches?
Only 20%-30% of “likers” see an update, greatly reducing the value of a “like.”
Of course, there is a small fee for each update you want to promote. For OurChurch.Com and LiveIntentionally, the cost is $5 to promote an update to “likers” and $15-$20 to promote an update to “likers” and their friends.
S. Douglas Birdsall selected as New President and CEO of American Bible Society
Birdsall had spent 8 years as Executive Chair and CEO of the Lausanne Movement started by Billy Graham
Lausanne Movement leaders and American Bible Society leaders have worked together since 1989 through The Forum of Bible Agencies International (FBAI). FBAI, which grew out of The Second Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (Manila 1989), brings together international Bible Agencies and other mission organizations with a shared vision of, "working together to maximize the worldwide access and impact of God's Word."
Church of England Narrowly Rejects Women Bishops
Vote in the House of Laity, at 64%, was just 6 votes short of the required majority. Bishops and Clergy passed
(The minority) primarily made up of Anglo-Catholics and other High Churchmen–were concerned about the ecumenical ramifications that may portend from ordinal novelties, the validity of female apostleship, a rupture with traditional interpretation, and a trespass against scriptural obedience.
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