The Ultimate Goal of Reformation
Our goal is God’s glory.
Traditional Reformed worship is dialogical, meaning God and the worshippers are in a kind of conversation. But the agenda for the conversation is set by God’s declarations. This is why, traditionally, Reformed worship begins with a call to worship and ends with a benediction. God gets the first word and the last word. Our singing,... Continue Reading
Civil Discourse Doesn’t Happen by Accident
Having rules set out in advance is much better than being told that you cannot speak on a motion, just because someone says so. That’s too personal, understandably upsetting, and Robert’s Rules helps us avoid it.
In disputes, whether in a deliberative assembly or in everyday life, referring back to what was said becomes crucial. Having accurate minutes helps. (If only we had accurate minutes for some of our everyday conversations!) Because Robert’s Rules requires the approval of the previous meeting’s minutes, everyone has an opportunity to reflect on, and endorse,... Continue Reading
Understanding Gender Ideology and Its Consequences: Part 1
The church is needed to defend reason as well as faith in our day.
The World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) was established to advance gender ideology as the scientific and professional viewpoint. Any health professional with a different viewpoint is speaking against the professional associations if they give voice to their dissent. Thus, the professionals that distressed parents will turn to will likely recommend the denial of... Continue Reading
The Declaration of Independence Founded a Theistic Republic
Individual founders differed in their doctrines, and yet they unanimously advocated for a theistic republic.
Why does exploring the founders’ reliance on God in the Declaration matter today? Because it is the most fundamental matter at the root of every political question. Why are humans equal? Because God created them so. Why do all humans have dignity? Because they are created in the image of God. Why can government not... Continue Reading
The Powerful and Permanent Tool of Language
The fulfillment of the Great Commission requires God’s people to overcome language barriers for His Name’s sake.
Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit to empower us to accomplish the Great Commission. This enablement includes the discipline of mind and heart to learn language sufficiently well to explain Christ where He leads us to go (Luke 24:49). Once we learn a language, that language and the culture embodied in it become part of... Continue Reading
The Three Ways
God virtually possesses in and of himself, in a simple, supereminent fashion that which makes a rock a source of security to us and a fountain a source of satisfaction to us.
The God who is wise by nature bestows wisdom on creatures. The perfection of wisdom formally exists in God (in a divine manner) before it exists in the creature (in a creaturely manner). As Thomas Aquinas observes, “we do not call God wise because he causes wisdom, but he causes wisdom because he is wise” (Thomas... Continue Reading
The Hope of the Gospel Is Someone, Not Something
Until that day Christ, our hope, remains hidden in heaven above. Yet his gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the world below.
The Father is indeed our source of peace (Col.1:2). And his work of reconciliation through the death of his Son is the foundation of our future and final hope. Thus the hope of the gospel is Christ. The Father has accomplished our redemption and reconciliation through his Son in order to present us blameless at... Continue Reading
What If a Criminal Justice System Isn’t Actually Just?
In Reforming Criminal Justice, Matthew Martens addresses a subject that concerns few of us but ought to concern all of us. He explains what the Bible says about criminal justice, calls us to analyze the systems our nations have, and encourages us to advocate for ones that are better, which is to say, ones that reflect God’s love and God’s justice.
An arrest, a jail sentence, or a death penalty are all acts of violence in which the system uses force against a person who has been made in the image of God. God permits this in order to maintain law and order in his world. However, it is critical that such violence be committed justly,... Continue Reading
Religion True or False?
The goal of true religion – unstained by culture around.
We live in a polluted, irreligious, narcissistic, culture ruled by the idolatry of self. God has little place. Others are only a means to exploit. The needy are bypassed and of small concern to us. The intensely practical nature of real godliness calls us to a cross, to death of sin and self, that the... Continue Reading
How Do Christians in the Military Love Their Enemies and Do Good to Them?
The whole counsel of God teaches us that military authority is legitimate, that Christians may serve in such military forces, and that loving our enemies does not mean to be unloving to the defenseless.
It is loving to protect and defend the defenseless, and it is also loving to protect a wicked person, an enemy if you will, from killing others—to bring that person to the point where they lay down their arms and give up their own evil ends. Thus, God has appointed and legitimized government authorities for... Continue Reading
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